We have begun to ride to Newark once a week. It is about 8 miles one way. We like to do our laundry and shopping there so one will ride to Newark while the other drives the cloths. Then we swap and the other rides home. We also take short trips the other direction past lock 29 and remnants of a former aqueduct.
Old aqueduct supports along the Erie Canal trail |
Erie Bike Trail |
spill way along the Erie Canal |
I found it curious to discover that there are 3 pieces of art hanging in the Palmyra temple depicting the Savior with Martha and Mary.
I was reflecting on this while working one day. Martha was “cumbered about by much serving….but Mary has chosen the good part.”
There are certainly things to do, that must be done in our daily living and in the temple. The temple is a place of service. We help patrons, lead sessions, perform ordinances, greet, and in this temple we empty the garbage, wash and fold cloths, and clean the floors. There is much serving to be done.
But what is this good part? I reflect on this and found myself asking certain question of myself. Do I remember to serve with an eye single to God’s glory or do I serve for my own gratification. Am I quick to judge others because they do not appear to be doing their share? am I quick to frustration? Am I sometimes too casual about my sacred roles? I vowed to watch myself and try always to chose the good part.
As I reflected on this I was taught by the spirit the importance of consciously making the effort, no matter our task, to sit at the feet of the Savior to listen and learn what He would have us know. These lessons are the things that “shall not be taken away.”
I do not believe that you must chooses between tasks or listening. I believe they can be done at once. I reflected on this as I served and tried to have the spirit with me in every assignment.
My last duty one day was to wash and fold the laundry for the baptistery. I enjoy this task. I like to make all the towels fold the same way so they look nice in the cupboard, straighten the other clothing, create order. I take pride—too much pride I’ve learned—in making God’s house a house of order. How do I know? Well, for one thing I like it best if I’m alone in the laundry so I can do things the way I think they should be done. Don’t get me wrong. I love the sisters I work with but in this case, I simply prefer to go about organizing myself and the clothing my own way.
So it was interesting that this was my assignment following the teaching and reflections I had had earlier.
I was down to one last load that needed drying when the Sister assigned after me arrived to help.
There are two washers and two dryers at the temple. One #25 washer and one #50 washer. The dryers can hold 25# but you have to divide the large 50 # load into the two dryers. We divide the suits and undergarments into one and the towels into the other.
At this point in the day. One dryer was finishing a load when the small washer finished. I decided to switch the cloths over before leaving and put all the wash together in the available dryer. This sister who had just arrived said something like “We need to divide the cloths; towels in the bottom and suits in the top”.
I felt myself boiling inside. I knew the dryer could handle the 25# of washer and felt it more important to start things drying than to divide and wait for the other dryer to finish.
I see now that this was a test for me to see if I would apply the lesson learned earlier. I failed miserable. Instead of choosing the good part, I chose to became cumbered about. Roughly, I responded “Is there a problem?” Meaning “Is there a problem doing it MY way”. She kindly answered “No, I was just trained to divide them.” I left quickly, mumbling to myself and then suddenly realized I had received my failing grade. I scolded myself, "What does it matter how the laundry is dried." But here I was rude and impatient. Judgmental and self-centered.
Will I ever learn the lessons the Savior is trying to teach me. I am determined to keep trying.
When next I saw this sister I offered an apology and humbly asked her forgiveness.
She, of course, did not even remember the incident but was kind and gracious. Like Nephi, she "frankly forgave" for which I was humbly grateful.
I also learned the power of seeking forgiveness and resolving issues.
I knew if I did not approach her that I would imagine that she was upset and frustrated with me. If we were assigned together, there would be tension and uneasiness on my side, driving the spirit of peace and love away. I would read into her gestures and expressions dissatisfaction toward me. I would imagine and could imagine all kinds of things that would leave me feeling defensive and hurt.
But with humble regret, a sincere apology, and generous forgiveness our interactions now are sweet and kind and full of the spirit.
Sacred Grove Remnants of a rock wall |
We have enjoyed several bike rides to the sacred grove followed by a peaceful and restful stroll through it's many paths. So much to see and experience.
Sacred Grove - crocked tree |
Sacred Grove - Witness Tree |
Letchworth State Park |
The day was hot and humid. We were completely exhausted by the time we got back but the views were breathtaking. A miniature mix of the Columbia Gorge, Grand Canyon, and Niagara Falls.
Letchworth State Park - Middle Falls |
Letchworth State Park Middle and Upper falls |
Find the frog in the mud |
Letchworth State Park Gorge |
The Piano Guys Concert - Canandaigua CMAC |
We enjoyed a special treat this week. Who would guess that we would have to travel to New York to hear one of my favorite musical groups. They did not disappoint.
I have long admired the enthusiasm and sheer joy expressed in every song.
They clearly bear a strong testimony through their music. An uplifting and delightful evening.
The Piano Guys Concert |
Wild Blackberry Bushes |
On our first walk along the canal we came upon a family who had stopped. We noticed that they were gathering something. On closer look we could see these tiny berries. I had never even noticed them before. The mom, dad and 4 kids were trying to gather enough for a blackberry pie. It reminded me of huckleberry picking. If possible, these berries were smaller even than huckleberries. Definitely not the same species that grow wild in the NW. You can see here the range of sizes. We continued on our ride. The family were gone when we returned and I'm hoping they met their goal.
Now I watch and stop for a small treat now and then.
small wild blackberry |
large wild blackberry |