Sunday, May 27, 2018

Ministering in the Savior's Way, May 21 - 27

Elder Pickup, Sister Pickup, Sister Aman, Sister Dickey
First Presbyterian Church (stock photo)
Hornell Branch
Today we met the members of our assigned Branch in Hornell, NY. (68 miles SW) And received our first assignment to give Helen Butler a ride.  She is a convert of about 4 years.  Her husband is also a member but struggles with COPD and allergies making going outside difficult.  We didn't get to meet him because we were pressed to get to church on time, but hope to soon.  I did speak to him on the phone and was impressed by his gentle ways.  The thought came to me during church that it would be wonderful if he could provided family names for the temple.  We will work with the local missionaries to see if he can get the support he needs for success.  Elder and Sister Buchanan and a set of full-time elders support the ward.

  After church we stayed to help them and others prepare, serve, and clean up an "Ecumenical Dinner" for the community.  "Dottie" organizes 6 different churches, each taking their turn to provide a meal for the underprivileged.  The meals are prepared and served at the First Presbyterian Church.   It was a fantastic experience and we got to know several members of the branch and other community leaders.

In Relief Society, we discussed ministering in the Saviors way.  We were asked to think of a time when the Savior ministered, then look for ways he met the spiritual and physical needs of those he served and then contemplate similar examples in our own lives.  I was paired with a sweet young mother.  She loved the story in the Book of Mormon when Christ comes and ministers to the children soon after His resurrection.  The Savior's compassion for these children, who had just been through a traumatic event, is a touching example of ministering.  The scriptures record how He took them one by one and blessed them. (3 Nephi 17:21)  I can only imagine the power and comfort this brought to each one.  His ministering was then followed by one of the most tender events recorded in scripture - angels also came to minister.  This sweet sister began to cry, deeply moved.  She shared how she had been struggling in her life some years ago and how a sweet Bishop had ministered to her as she sought for and found the sweet comfort and strength that only the spirit can bring.  It was a tender moment that we - two strangers - were able to share.  I say strangers but then my mind quickly turns to the verse in Ephesian 2:19 "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God."

It has been a busy week.  We have worked 4 shifts at the temple since arriving Tuesday afternoon.  We landed running.  And have already grown to love the work we are doing there.  We are busy on each shift with hardly a moment to breath and end the day happy and exhausted.
Sister and Elder Pickup at the Temple

We are so grateful for the training and preparation we received in the Logan Temple and the few days in Salt Lake.  It has provided confidence as we are instantly assigned to coordinate, clean, direct patrons, etc.  I have thought of my growing up years clean the church building with my family and how that prepared me, along with so many faith filled experiences over my life time.

At every turn we have found connections with those we serve with:  some know Pickup's here in the east, one sister served in the Las Vegas Temple with my sister Holly, many have roots in Cache Valley, some from Oregon.....the list goes on and on.  What a joyful surrounding.

Sister Dickey and Sister Pickup

We had a special treat on Saturday.
After getting back from our temple assignment, we heard a knock at the door.  It was the Sister Missionaries.  They were so full of joy and warmth.  We visited for a short while and discovered that Sister Dickey (from New Zealand)  served with Sister Embley (now Mrs. Sean Pickup) during her mission here.     She could hardly contain her joy at the connection.  I received several hugs that I am storing away for Rachel.  Then I met another set of Sister Missionaries who never served with Rachel but knew of her and her goodness.

Sister and Elder Pickup in front of our Apartment

We have settled comfortable into our apartment and are pleased that all our needs are met.  We do not have the largest apartment but it is all we need and more.  Slowly we are adding our own personal touch.  There is a place for everything. The safe is a remnant from before apartments were created.  No one knows whats in it as it can't be opened.  Well, not without some explosives anyway.  It's a rather unique addition.

Living room and safe
Kitchen and Dining Room

Things from home
 A quote given after our Relief Society Meeting today.  

At the end of the day, the only questions I will ask myself are....
Did I love enough?
Did I laugh enough?
Did I make a difference?

Hymn for the Week

Have I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
If not I have failed indeed.

Has anyone's burden been lighter today because I was willing to share.
Have the sick and the weary, been helped on their way?
When they needed my help, was I there?

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