Friday, March 22, 2019

Be Not Afraid, March 18 - 23

March 18th, Monday.

We traveled to Corning, NY with the other missionaries as well as President and Sister Miner.  Bonds rode down with us and I found this to be a delight.  We needed this time together to renew our friendship and share our life experiences. I think I finally got my fill of the museum.  I must admit, I find glass fascinating both in art and functionality.  Bonds were kind to allow us to hang around until 4pm.  

Thursday, June 19th

Someone shared this quote at a temple preparation meeting.  I found the source through Deseret book.  A powerful message

      The season of the world before us will be like no other in the history of mankind. Satan will unleash every evil, every scheme, and every vile perversion ever known to man in any generation. Just as this dispensation of the fullness of times brought restoration of all that is good and holy, so also did it bring the fullness of evil.  As parents, spouses, children, and members of Christ’s church, we must find safety…There is no safety in the world: wealth cannot provide it, enforcement agencies cannot assure it, even membership in the church will not guarantee it.
     As the evil night darkens on this generation, we must come to the temple for light and safety. Only in the house of the Lord will we find quiet, sacred havens where the storm cannot penetrate.  There, unseen sentinels watch over us.  So it was that the Prophet Joseph pled with God during the dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple:  “And we ask thee, Holy Father, that thy servants may go forth from this house armed with thy power and that thy name may be upon them…and thine angels have charge over them.” (D&C 109:22).  The Lord has promise:  “I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.” (D&C 84:88)  Surely angelic attendants guard the temples of the Most High God.  It is my conviction that as it was in the days of Elisha, so it will be for us: “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” (2 Kings 6:16)
     Before the Savior comes the world will darken. The time will come when even the elect will begin to lose hope if they do not come often to the temples. I believe that the Saints will come here to the temples not only to do vicarious work, but also to find a God-given haven of peace. True and faithful Latter-day Saints the world over will long to bring their children to the temple for service and for safety. 
     There are great unseen hosts in the temple.  Joseph told the brethren, “And I beheld the temple was filled with angels.” I believe deceased prophets of all dispensations visit the temples.  Those who attend the temple will feel their strength and companionship.  We will not be alone in the house of the Lord.

     Faithful, endowed members of the church who keep all their covenants and properly wear their sacred coverings will be safe as if protected behind temple walls.  The covenants and ordinances are filled with faith as a living fire.  In a day of desolating sickness, scorched earth, barren wastes, sickening plagues, disease, destruction, and death, we as a people will rest in the shade of trees.  We will drink from the cooling fountains.  We will abide in places of refuge from the storm.  We will mount up as on eagles’ wings; we will be lifted out of the wicked, insane, and evil world.  We will be as fair as the sun and clear as the moon.  The Savior will come and honor His people.  Those who are prepared and therefore spared on that glorious, triumphant day will be a temple-loving people. 
Vaughan J. Featherstone

The Incomparable Christ: Our Master and Model
Excerpts from Chapter One, “Holiness to the Lord”

 Friday, March 22nd

With all the comings and goings of old and new missionary couples, we are beginning to feel the closeness of our own release.  There is a mixture of excitement to see family and sadness to leave new friends and the Lord’s work.  We wonder what is in store for us next. 

We had a sweet sister attend last night who was returning after receiving her endowment a week ago in Draper, UT.  She radiated such joy and love.  I was helping her prepare in the locker room and she said to me.  “I just love the temple.  I wish everyone would come!  I just want everyone to be here”  What great enthusiasm.  She will be a light to many around her.

Elder Pickup at the Corning Museum of Glass
Blowing Glass

Interesting Glass Art

Automating Glass Jar Production

? What was this Presidential Vase Used for? 
Glass Instruments

It looks soft but is made of glass tubes

I found this glass sculpture fascinating

?? Celery Vase

Who You Are, March 11 - 17

Palmyra 12 Month Temple Missionaries
Barrett, Stallard, Seamons, Titsworth, Bayles, Barlow, Pickup, Henningson, Leavitt, Bond
by Hilary Weeks
I know you wonder If you’ll ever have a day
When the kids stay calm, the laundry’s done and dishes are put away.
And sometimes you feel like Your days are spent and gone
And the question running through your mind Is what have I gotten done?
And when you finally have a moment to slow down
At the end of your day I know Father would say

Believe in what you’re doing
Believe in who you are
And hold tight to the truth that you’re a daughter of God.
Believe in who you’re becoming
Believe in who you are

It may seem simple All the little things you do
But the lives you touch matter so much And there's no one else like you
And father needs you to stand tall and faithful To be all you can be
Oh, if you could see what He sees

You’d believe in what you’re doing
You’d believe in who you are
So hold tight to the truth that you’re a daughter of God
Believe in who you’re becoming
Believe in who you are

When it’s hard to believe in yourself
And you feel like you’re beginning to doubt

He believes in what you’re doing
He believes in who you are
So don’t lose sight of the truth that you're a daughter of God
That He believes in who you’re becoming
He believes in who you are.

Monday, March 11th

At FHE, Brother Stan Morey spoke about ancient temples.  Many found it intellectually stimulating.  Brother Morey has completed a tremendous amount of research.  We are blessed that he will share with us.

Tuesday, March 12th

Ray and I are working through some misunderstandings.  Sometimes I can feel Satan working so hard to tear us apart.  But so grateful to cling to the principles of the gospel that help us listen, learn and adjust our thinking in the Lord’s way so that marriages can be strengthened and enduring.

Friday, March 15th

We were asked to dress in green for our fitness class.  But alas, most missionaries did not pack for all these holiday colors.  It is fun to see the community enjoy the fun.

Saturday, March 16th

The Hornell Branch had their RS Birthday Celebration today and invited me to participate,  I sang one of the songs as a solo and then with a group for another. I loved practicing the song and decided that the words could have been a great anthem when I was a young mother.  The words are              

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

His Hand is Stretched out Still, Maple Tree Inn, March 4 - 10

Maple Tree Inn Story


Ray tapping maple tree 

Beautiful, cold day

Wednesday, March 6th

Today was the outing to Cartwright’s Maple Tree Inn.  It was a 1 1/2 hour drive up in the woods in the middle of no where.  We left early, 7:30am to arrive when they opened at 9am and to get those home who had to work the evening shift at the temple. 
Ray and I drove alone so we could stop and help Len & Helen with their finances.
I thought to text Bayles while driving down.  They described where they were and realized they had missed the exit to I-390 and had to turn around.  I worried about them so kept reaching out for reports.  In the end, everyone else arrived in time to be seated together and they came about 10 minutes behind is all.  I teased Elder Bayles about racing to catch up. 
This was an amazing place.  We were shocked to see the parking lot full.  But luckily there was no wait for seating. That changed before we left. 
The food was so good.  All-you-can-eat pancakes and maple syrup, ham, sausage, eggs.  Every bit was yummy.  That is saying something for someone who doesn’t really like breakfast.
Afterward we went downstairs to see the production area.  It was too cold for the sap to be running so we just saw the equipment.  There was a rather large group of kindergartners on a tour. There joy of learning, thoughtful questions, and polite natures brought a sweet joy to my heart.  I pondered on how to capture some of that and restore it to my own heart and soul.  I can remember the joy of learning when I was younger. 

I thought a lot about that the rest of the day.  How do you become more childlike where you are amazed at the world around you and wonder at new discoveries.  Being around children helps. 

Our time with Helen and Len was productive.  We started with prayer which Len offered.  It was tender and sweet.  He invited the Lord to help him see how to be in His good graces.  My soul leapt for joy for surely He will help him see. 

On our way home from Cartwrights
While at Butler’s, we received a text that Simon was to be on the NASA feed and had been selected to be one of several hundred students to be able to ask a question of an Astronaut on the space station.  We were able to watch him ask and her answer and shared it with Len and Helen who got a big kick out of it. 
He asked a very smart question, something like: Does the space station need to be propelled to stay in orbit or is it in free fall?  Smart kid. 

We were home long enough to rest a bit and then headed back to the temple.  We were not assigned to a shift tonight but Cindy Hoffman, a new convert from Hornell, came to do baptisms.  We went to help out and be a support.  Andrew Sutherby was there with his sister, Abby, plus Cindy, Brother and Sister Doyle and their son. 
Andrew preformed all the baptisms.  He is so strong that Brother Doyle exclaimed as he came out of the font…”boy, he tosses me around like a rag doll..”  The Baptism Coordinator helped Andrew be a little more gentle.  

Afterward I had an amazing visit with Cindy.  We talked about the generous nature of God and His plan to offer eternal blessing to all of His children.  Cindy has been doing the work for her parents and grandparents, and other ancestors.  She mentioned her worry about her children.  I felt prompted to tell her that God would not forget them and that someday they would have the clear opportunity to accept the Savior and his gospel.  She seemed comforted by this.
I was reminded of the scriptures where the Lord describes our many failings then teaches that His Arms are Stretched out still.  He will receive us no matter our circumstances if we will just choose Him and Follow Him.

Friday, March 8th

Salt Residue on the pavement
We started our day at the Bishop’s storehouse.  Sister Beaver’s had called us a few days ago to see if we could help.  Other site missionaries were there as well so we were finished preparing the produce and shopping in less than an hour.  We were only a few minutes late getting to our gym class.
It was a rewarding day at the temple.  We arrived to a lobby and waiting room full of people.  There was a wedding at 5:30pm, plus Andrew Sutherby arriving to take out his own endowment.  I was assigned out front with the responsibility to keep everything sorted out and rolling along.  The wedding group was quite large and eventually we closed the doors to the temple to keep their joyful visiting from disturbing the peace of the temple.  Ray served as Andrew’s guide and quickly we were able to invite them to get ready.  Others came for sealings, initiatory, and a full session that we kept bring past the multitude waiting for the wedding.  Luckily, no one was forgotten or misplaced.
From that assignment Ray and I had the privilege of officiating the session.  What a blessing to share in this special time. 

Saturday March 9th

Another busy, busy day in the temple.  I think I had one 5 minute break all day.  The first three sessions were above capacity; two own endowments; a full baptistry, initiatory, and sealings sessions.  It is sad when we have to turn patrons away and do all we can to accommodate them. 
I started the day again in the lobby, helping patrons solve all kinds of issues, then to the baptistery to solve and serve, and then to the office; more solving and serving.  

One joyful moment was when I discovered that Andrew had been snagged after the session to help in the confirmation room.  He was just ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood last Sunday and is already using it.  He was just glowing. 
Oh, the salt effect on vehicles
A question and answer I discovered while reading in the temple

Moses 7:48 And it came to pass that Enoch looked upon the earth; and he heard a voice from the bowels thereof, saying: Wo, wo is me, the mother of men; I am pained, I am weary, because of the wickedness of my children. When shall I rest, and be cleansed from the filthiness which is gone forth out of me? When will my Creator sanctify me, that I may rest, and righteousness for a season abide upon my face?

Moses 7:60-62 And the Lord said unto Enoch: As I live, even so will I come in the last days, in the days of wickedness and vengeance, to fulfill the oath which I have made unto you... And the day shall come that the earth shall rest, but before that day 
  1. the heavens shall be darkened, 
  2. a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; 
  3. the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; 
  4. great tribulations shall be among the children of men
  5. my people will I preserve;
  6. righteousness will I send down out of heaven; 
  7. truth will I send forth out of the earth, to bear testimony of mine Only Begotten; his resurrection from the dead; yea, and also the resurrection of all men; 
  8. righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, 
  9. a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City, my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem
  10. my people may gird up their loins, looking forth for the time of my coming

63 And the Lord said unto Enoch: Then shalt thou and all thy city meet them there, and we will receive them into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other;
What a glorious day to look forward to.  It does not seem that far off to me. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Kevin, Service, and Progress, Feb. 22 - March 3

Feb. 22nd Friday

We offered to take two food orders to Wayland.  Sister Gams was grateful as she had other ministering to tend to.  Both were huge orders.  One filled up the back of the car, the other the back seat.  I dropped Ray off at the temple while I drove down to Wayland. I met Sister Gams at Helen’s in Wayland.  She took one order to deliver.  I delivered the other to a family just south of Wayland.  The husband helped me haul everything into their dark trailer.  He talked a lot so I listened and learned all about his neighbors, history in the church, and how he wishes so badly that he could work.  Life is hard sometimes.  So many needs to be met. 
Elder Pickup, Kevin,  Sister Pickup

On the way home we felt impressed to stop again at the temple to see if there were any needs.  The sister in charge was frantic about a film left on the marble floor that left it dull.  And about marks left on the break room floor.  So Ray and I rolled up our sleeves.  Ray helped with the outer floors, mopping and drying.  I got on my hands’ and knees and rubbed out the marks on the marble floor in the break room.  It took a little elbow grease but we got it done. 

Feb. 23rd, Saturday.

Kevin and Elder Pickup at the
Hill Cumorah Moroni Monument

Joyfully, we welcomed Kevin last night.  He arrived safely from his business trip in Pennsylvania. We started the day with pancakes and maple syrup (real).  Then loaded up and headed to the Whitmer Farm.  The day was sunny and cool.  From there we went to Sauders for lunch and to look over the furniture.  On the way back we stopped at Hemdale Farms to see the automatic milkers.  It’s always fun.   We stopped at the Hill Cumorah.  Up to the monument first, imagining how it might have been like during the ending battle in the Book of Mormon.  It was chilly so we didn’t stay long.  We warmed up in the Visitor’s Center and discovered that tomorrow is supposed to be stormy—high winds and snow.  So we elected to go to the Smith Farm next and save the Grandin Building for tomorrow.  What joy feels your heart as you both contemplate the great events that happened here and share them with someone whom you love so dearly.  

Sunday, Feb. 24th

The drive to and from church was windy but uneventful.
Kevin at the Whitmer Farm 
We smiled as members of the Branch approached Kevin to see if he was the High Council speaker for Sacrament Meeting.  A chuckle because Kevin is a High Counselor and had a speaking assignment in back home had he been there.
The High Councilman who spoke was Jared who does our repairs at our apartment. I didn’t recognize him but he recognized us. He brought two sons with him.  They both spoke.  How impressive.  One was only 10 years old and gave an uplifting talk presenting himself well and bearing a strong testimony.  His brother spoke on the need to harness social media.  I thought a lot of my grandchildren and how many of them are just as impressive.

Kevin and Elder Pickup in the Sacred Grove

Father and Son

Feb. 25th, Monday

 Kevin and I went to the Grandin Building for a tour then dropped Kevin off at the airport. 

Feb. 26th, Tuesday

It was delightful to be back in the temple serving today.  Both Ray and I missed the strength and peace the temple provides our hearts and minds. 

May 2nd, Saturday

It has been a wonderful week in the temple.  I was able to help train Sister Henningson some.  What a joy!  She loves the temple and easily adapts to the nuances of a small temple.  One of the different and challenging assignments is “G1”, the greeter before the recommend desk.  There you remind patrons to remove their shoes, determine what brings them to the temple and then either invite them to enter or to wait in the waiting room.  There are guidelines but knowing the right response is best learned by experience.  Critical is the need to always be kind and loving and helpful.  Sister Henningson is a natural.

Sunday, March 3rd

It was a full day for me at church today.  I was asked to play the piano for Sacrament Meeting. The testimonies born today we uplifting and powerful.  I am grateful for the faith and strength of this little Branch.Then music in primary which went well. Followed my the Temple Preparation class.  whew!
In the evening, Kevin and Holly graciously let us Skype in to their family discussion and Come Follow Me lesson.  Nora taught.  I was so impressed by her skills and felt such gratitude that our grandchildren are getting an opportunity to feel the spirit and teach eternal truths.  The lesson was on many of the Savior’s miracles.  One that we discussed was when Jesus healed the man with palsy.  This man’s friends had carefully and unrelentingly brought him to the Savior.  I thought about a group from the Palmyra Ward who arrive every week.  One man has palsy, one has limited education both are relatively new converts.  A good brother from the ward faithfully brings them every week to assist in the baptistery where they serve as witnesses.
Over time, the man with palsy progressed in the gospel to the point that he has now been endowed.  He looks like an angel in his white clothing. 
The faithful members of the ward reminded me of the good friend in the Savior’s story as I watch them patiently meet the physical needs: in and out of wheelchairs, cars, cleaning wheelchair wheels that are caked with salt, helping to dress their friend in their white temple cloths. 
It is a tremendous act of service and love.  They have lifted this friend toward the Savior and helped him come closer to his eternal home.  Oh what joy feels my heart to watch such unselfish acts of service and love.

Mosiah 2:17
And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom
that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings 
ye are only in the service of your God.