Feb. 22nd Friday
We offered to take two food orders to Wayland. Sister Gams was grateful as she had other ministering to tend to. Both were huge orders. One filled up the back of the car, the other the back seat. I dropped Ray off at the temple while I drove down to Wayland. I met Sister Gams at Helen’s in Wayland. She took one order to deliver. I delivered the other to a family just south of Wayland. The husband helped me haul everything into their dark trailer. He talked a lot so I listened and learned all about his neighbors, history in the church, and how he wishes so badly that he could work. Life is hard sometimes. So many needs to be met.
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Elder Pickup, Kevin, Sister Pickup |
On the way home we felt impressed to stop again at the temple to see if there were any needs. The sister in charge was frantic about a film left on the marble floor that left it dull. And about marks left on the break room floor. So Ray and I rolled up our sleeves. Ray helped with the outer floors, mopping and drying. I got on my hands’ and knees and rubbed out the marks on the marble floor in the break room. It took a little elbow grease but we got it done.
Feb. 23rd, Saturday.
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Kevin and Elder Pickup at the Hill Cumorah Moroni Monument |
Joyfully, we welcomed Kevin last night. He arrived safely from his business trip in Pennsylvania. We started the day with pancakes and maple syrup (real). Then loaded up and headed to the Whitmer Farm. The day was sunny and cool. From there we went to Sauders for lunch and to look over the furniture. On the way back we stopped at Hemdale Farms to see the automatic milkers. It’s always fun. We stopped at the Hill Cumorah. Up to the monument first, imagining how it might have been like during the ending battle in the Book of Mormon. It was chilly so we didn’t stay long. We warmed up in the Visitor’s Center and discovered that tomorrow is supposed to be stormy—high winds and snow. So we elected to go to the Smith Farm next and save the Grandin Building for tomorrow. What joy feels your heart as you both contemplate the great events that happened here and share them with someone whom you love so dearly.
Sunday, Feb. 24th
The drive to and from church was windy but uneventful.
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Kevin at the Whitmer Farm |
We smiled as members of the Branch approached Kevin to see if he was the High Council speaker for Sacrament Meeting. A chuckle because Kevin is a High Counselor and had a speaking assignment in back home had he been there.
The High Councilman who spoke was Jared who does our repairs at our apartment. I didn’t recognize him but he recognized us. He brought two sons with him. They both spoke. How impressive. One was only 10 years old and gave an uplifting talk presenting himself well and bearing a strong testimony. His brother spoke on the need to harness social media. I thought a lot of my grandchildren and how many of them are just as impressive.
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Kevin and Elder Pickup in the Sacred Grove |
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Father and Son |
Feb. 25th, Monday
Kevin and I went to the Grandin Building for a tour then dropped Kevin off at the airport.
Feb. 26th, Tuesday
It was delightful to be back in the temple serving today. Both Ray and I missed the strength and peace the temple provides our hearts and minds.
May 2nd, Saturday
It has been a wonderful week in the temple. I was able to help train Sister Henningson some. What a joy! She loves the temple and easily adapts to the nuances of a small temple. One of the different and challenging assignments is “G1”, the greeter before the recommend desk. There you remind patrons to remove their shoes, determine what brings them to the temple and then either invite them to enter or to wait in the waiting room. There are guidelines but knowing the right response is best learned by experience. Critical is the need to always be kind and loving and helpful. Sister Henningson is a natural.
Sunday, March 3rd
It was a full day for me at church today. I was asked to play the piano for Sacrament Meeting. The testimonies born today we uplifting and powerful. I am grateful for the faith and strength of this little Branch.Then music in primary which went well. Followed my the Temple Preparation class. whew!
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Brrrrr..... |
In the evening, Kevin and Holly graciously let us Skype in to their family discussion and Come Follow Me lesson. Nora taught. I was so impressed by her skills and felt such gratitude that our grandchildren are getting an opportunity to feel the spirit and teach eternal truths. The lesson was on many of the Savior’s miracles. One that we discussed was when Jesus healed the man with palsy. This man’s friends had carefully and unrelentingly brought him to the Savior. I thought about a group from the Palmyra Ward who arrive every week. One man has palsy, one has limited education both are relatively new converts. A good brother from the ward faithfully brings them every week to assist in the baptistery where they serve as witnesses.
Over time, the man with palsy progressed in the gospel to the point that he has now been endowed. He looks like an angel in his white clothing.
The faithful members of the ward reminded me of the good friend in the Savior’s story as I watch them patiently meet the physical needs: in and out of wheelchairs, cars, cleaning wheelchair wheels that are caked with salt, helping to dress their friend in their white temple cloths.
It is a tremendous act of service and love. They have lifted this friend toward the Savior and helped him come closer to his eternal home. Oh what joy feels my heart to watch such unselfish acts of service and love.
Mosiah 2:17
And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom;
that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings
ye are only in the service of your God.
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