Monday, Oct. 1st
It is hard to believe it is October already. The leaves are starting to turn and we are all bracing for winter. We purchased some rubber matts for the car to help with the winter snow and salt. They look rather nice.
FHE was at the Welcome Center at the Sacred Grove. We filled the room and had a joyful lesson by Elder Robins. He shared lessons learned from the First Vision. I was enthralled by his knowledge and testimony. And uplifted by the workings of the Lord in these the latter-days. One of my favorite quotes we read was from Elder Bruce R. McConkie,
“would you like a formula how to get personal revelation? It might be written in many ways. My formula is simply this:
“would you like a formula how to get personal revelation? It might be written in many ways. My formula is simply this:
1. Search the scriptures,
2. Keep the commandments,
3. Ask in faith.
Any person who will do this will get his heart so in tune with the Infinite that there will come into his being, from the ‘still small voice’, the eternal realities of religion. And as he progresses and advances and comes nearer to God, there will be a day when he will entertain angels, when he will see visions, and the final end is to view the face of God.”
This pattern was also taught by our current prophet, President Nelson in the April 2018 conference. I continue to reflect on his words.
“The Prophet Joseph Smith set a pattern for us to follow in resolving our questions. Drawn to the promise of James that if we lack wisdom we may ask of God, the boy Joseph took his question directly to Heavenly Father. He sought personal revelation, and his seeking opened this last dispensation. In like manner, what will your seeking open for you? What wisdom do you lack? What do you feel an urgent need to know or understand? Follow the example of the Prophet Joseph. Find a quiet place where you can regularly go. Humble yourself before God. Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. Turn to Him for answers and for comfort. Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—yes, the very longings of your heart. And then listen! Write the thoughts that come to your mind. Record your feelings, and follow through with actions that your are prompted to take. As you repeat this process day after day, month after month, year after year, you will ‘grow into the principle of revelation…..”
I love this! And I am trying to develop this more fully in my life.
Thursday, Oct. 4th
Last night was rough. Ray went to bed early while I worked on his father’s history. A few hours later he awoke with a terrible pain in his stomach. This caused great distress and fear. Was it an ulcer returning, what was the cause? Laying down made it worse. So I helped him get comfortable on the chaise part of the couch where he could sit up and stretch out his legs. It is wider than the regular couch so more comfortable. I took his blood pressure which was a little elevated due to the pain but nothing alarming. I got a heating pad for him and put a pan nearby in case he needed to throw up. He rested this way for a while. I stayed nearby. (Well, that’s all you can do in an apartment anyway.) After some rest in this way he decided to go to bed. The journey there chilled him so the heating pad followed and I tucked him in. As I watched him shiver I thought I might lay next to him to help warm up the bed but his response was so sharp against it that I fled the room and struggled to find sleep on the couch. I’m sure his fear and pain had taken control of his good senses.
By morning the pain had passed and we were able to complete our temple assignment, clean the apartment, repair the front door striker plates for ours and Bond’s apartment,.
The weather is holding so we took our bike ride to Newark to do the laundry…
On Ray’s ride to Newark at the last hill, he lost his momentum and tumbled toward the canal. This must have been scary for him and he arrived at the laundromat with his back and sides covered with debris. Lucky for him, no abrasions or broken bones. Though I think he may be sore tomorrow.
He changed into a clean shirt.
I headed home on the bike, being careful of the muddy trail filled with falling leaves and twigs. I arrived home safely. While biking, I spoke with Kristi, Sharee and Sean. That is a lovely way to pass the time. I got home around 7pm. It was getting dark.
We headed to Walmart for a rug for the entry, a light for over the mirror in the bedroom, and a few odds and ends.
Friday, Oct. 5th
I spent a good part of the day working on the history for Ray’s father, George Pickup. It has been fun to gather stories and pictures. But is quite time consuming. Ray busied himself with projects around the apartment, getting a bigger rug, setting up FHE speakers, etc. I also cleaned out my work area (a constant battle). Somehow the day slipped by without getting out on a bike ride. We watched the BYU game vs. Utah State. It was a frustration for us but I’m guessing not for the Utah fans.
Saturday, Oct. 6th - Sunday, Oct. 7th

I'm thrilled at the additional 12 temples that were announced. What a time to live on the earth. When I was a young girl there were only 12 temples in the whole world. Now there are 159 operating temples, 11 under construction, and 31 announced. (201 in all) Map of temples around the world This is an amazing blessing to all of God's children.
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