Monday, October 29th
Baseball Hall of Fame |
Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown
The Hall of Fame was delightful. Well presented with plenty of highlight films which are my favorite. I think I could spend hours watching the super-human efforts of fielders who can catch, throw and make plays that are just plain fun to watch.
We took a group photo at the beginning, asking a young father to take it for us. He had a young (maybe 4-5 year old) daughter with him. And I could see he was a bit nervous that she would wonder off and didn’t really want her with him as he had to stand in the street parking. So, the thought came to me to have her stand with us in the picture. That seemed to ease the father’s concerns and gave his daughter something to do.
I enjoyed the various renditions of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and listening to different clubs choices for the 7th inning stretch song. Something we experienced at Fenway park, the Red Socks song “Sweet Caroline” A fun tradition.
Tuesday, October 30
We worked our first Tuesday am shift and began to get acquainted with many of the local workers. It is different without the 6-month missionaries but I know we will grow to love everyone. At first it can feel a little like you are an outsider but I trust this will change with time.
In the afternoon at the temple I was able to help with some office issues and in the baptistery. The coordinators did not show up so there was a bit of a scramble to get the baptistery staffed but in the end all worked out as it always does. I was assigned to the Sealing session at the end of the shift. President Schwendiman as the sealer was a joyful experience. It is wonderful to have him continue to be a regular part of our temple experience.
This was our first day with the new temple presidency: President Miner, President Kimbler, and President Miller.
We spent a bit of time cleaning the apartment today. I felt the nudge to deep clean the shelves where we have our food and we rearranged the piano so that the coat rack could go up on the wall behind the door. It all worked out well and it will be nice to have our winter coats available.
While doing laundry today I was able to go through some bills and to-do lists to get caught up and organized. I also found time this evening to play the piano and enjoy the keyboard. This always seems to bring a light and warm feeling in our home.
We purchased some candy for Halloween. We shared with the Bonds next door and ended up with two knocks. One a young family with the cutest two kids. The other a group of about 6 teenage boys. I didn’t mind at all sharing candy with them. Better they were out trick-or-treating than smashing mailboxes, I say.
Sunday, Nov. 4th
We were blessed that the Lord has heard our prayers on Helen’s behalf. She reported that this past week, Bro. Gams came to light her hot water heater and it has worked every since. Len thinks they need a new one but Ray was able to explain how to tell when a water heater has failed and Helen seemed to appreciate the information. Ray also spoke with Brother Gams (he is a plumber) and he didn’t see any evidence that the water heater needed to be replaced. Helen thinks it is 28 years old but perhaps it hasn’t been used as heavily as with a big family and perhaps it is made better than the newer ones.
We also made good progress on Helen’s roof. Ray had spend a lot of time and prayer looking for appropriate solutions and things are falling into place. We hope the momentum continues and she can have a nice tight roof over her head before winter sets in. Once done, we can begin to tackle the water damage inside the house but first things first.
Monday, Nov. 5th.
We worked on a few things in the afternoon and then headed for FHE.
President and Sister Evans spoke with us and it was delightful. From Nephi’s vision of the tree of life we were asked to Look! (direct one’s gaze—focus) and Behold! (regard, contemplate) As we were scanning through these chapters in Nephi, my eyes fell to 1 Nephi 11:30 and discovered something new
“And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me again, saying: Look! And I looked, and I beheld the heavens open again, and I saw angels descending upon the children of men; and they did minister unto them.” What a wonderful image and blessing. It got me thinking that this vision was the Lord showing Nephi the many ways in which His love is manifest to us. This is one way and I determined to see if my theory held true.
1. Tree of Life - The love of God that gives us hope and possibility of eternal life
2. Birth of Jesus Christ (a miracle and demonstration of God’s love)
3. Jesus mortal life, many recognized him as the son of God and experienced His love first hand
4. Truths from the scriptures lead us to the tree of live providing a guide for us to partake of the love of God and eternal life
5. Example of the Savior to be baptized. This is a saving ordinance and required to become true saints and followers of Christ.
6. Calling of 12 prophets and apostles demonstrates God’s love in providing guidance on our mortal journey
7. Heavens open and angels descend to minister to us
8. Jesus heals our infirmities
9. Jesus fulfills the Atonement, is slain for the sins of the world
10. God leads us to the promised land by his power and spirit
11. Jesus will show himself unto Nephi’s descendants and prophets and apostles will be called
12. Our garments can be made white if we have faith and choose the right.
13. There will be opposition to God’s plan and love for us.
14. Rescuers will be sent to help us by the power of God.
15. Scriptures will be prepared and preserved as a witness
Are not all these things ways in which God shows us his power, love, mercy and longing for us to see Him in our lives, love Him, and determine to return to Him through the many paths of righteousness He has prepared for us.