Two busy shifts today. In the AM shift. I substituted for Sister Sorenson who was out of town for Thanksgiving. Her husband was there. They are really excellent at coordinating and she made the schedule. We had 3 living endowments and a living sealing with a skeleton crew. I watched the hand of the Lord helping to fill in the gaps. All turned out well.
Following the session I emailed Sister Sorenson, "Things went very well today. Not entirely as expected but all things got done. The sisters were fantastic in adjusting cheerfully to changes here and there."
Then her response.
Dear, dear Sister Pickup, 'Words cannot express my gratitude for your stepping in during my absence. I knew I needed to be with my Dad at this time, so it was not exactly feelings of guilt, but I did feel apprehensive that I had left you with so few sisters to carry out the work. Having you as my sub meant not only me away, but you out of the "lineup" as well. Nevertheless, I had every confidence in your extraordinary ability to see what needs to be done in any situation and to see a clear and logical way to accomplish the task. Thank you, thank you again--and best wishes for a joyful Thanksgiving Day. Even far away from your own family, I hope you will feel the value of your service to the Temple, the patrons, and to the Lord.
Dear Janet,
I am thrilled that I could help in any way I could to facilitate your being with your father. Thank you for your trust in me. he Lord's work is amazing and His guidance sure. I love watching His hand guide and gently nudge us in the direction He needs us to go. It was a wonderful and miraculous day. I love your strength and testimony and the amazing way you share both with all of us at the temple.
Enjoy your time with family and have a joyful Thanksgiving Love, Sister Pickup
Wednesday, Nov. 21st
Jennifer studying the Book of Mormon |
Today was full of preparations for Jennifer and Jessica’s visit and for Thanksgiving. I was assigned to bring rolls and a pie for dinner and any special family thanksgiving dish. I decided to make rolls, buy a pie at Wegman’s and make a 7 layer green salad.
Jessica at Work |
I started the rolls before cleaning the apartment but they still had not risen by the time I was finished. Hours later they were till just balls. Ray and I went shopping at Walmart and Wegman’s for a pie and a few other things. I decided to buy some Rhodes frozen rolls just in case mine didn’t rise.To my surprise the rolls did rise before we got home and baked up nicely. We settled on a pumpkin pie, hoping that there won’t be dozens of them tomorrow.
Thursday, Nov. 22nd
Sleeping quarters |
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Jennifer and Jessica arrived without trouble around 10am. A joyful reunion. We settled in at the apartment and made final preparations for dinner.
Sporting Jessica's BD present |
Around 1:30pm we loaded up and headed to the Stake Center. The committee had done an outstanding job setting up. The tables were decorated and food began to arrive in abundance. There were 6 tables with 8 settings. But not 48 people came. I felt a bit estranged as Jennifer, Jessica, Ray and I sat alone at our table. After the prayer, Elder Bond came to the rescue and had us pull our two round tables together. The Leavitts did the same so their family c
ould be together. In the end it worked very nicely. The Bond’s son, Jason, came from Manhattan. We had a lovely visit with him and learned a few more details about happenings in NYC. Barrett’s also sat with us. Every bite was delicious and we left with our hearts and tummies full.
Friday, Nov. 23rd
at the Martin Harris Home |
Jessica was anxious to go out on Black Friday so we got up around 5:30am and headed to Canandaigua to Joanns. We chose this location because Sister Nichols who I work with at the temple works there and I was hoping to see her. To our amazement there were only 8-10 people in the store. Not your typical Black Friday experience. Jessica picked out some fabric for a quilt, then some quarters, embroidery thread and Christmas stockings.
Jennifer needed some shoes and a coat. TJMaxx was next door so we walked over. JCPennys was at the end of the strip mall so we figured we would go there next. However, we passed a shoe store and ventured in. I found a cute pair of winter boots to wear to the temple, Jennifer found 3 pairs of boots. Then to JCPennys. The store was a little busier but not crazy. Jennifer found a nice winter coat and a few other things. I found a few things for Christmas. We were home by 9:30am. A great morning.
Ray enjoying his BD present |
After eating breakfast we went out on a little tour to see the canal and Martin Harris home.
For Ray’s birthday, Jennifer wanted to give him a pedicure so we made appointments in Macedon and headed out. It was a fun outing. I had to smile as I looked down at Ray’s face. Pure contentment as he got his feed rubbed.
Jennifer and Jessica came with us to the temple. We were scheduled for the 6pm session but had a little time to work in initiatory at 5:30pm. I asked Sister Seamons to take my post by the Endowment Room door so I could participate in Initiatory while the girls were there. She was more than willing and we had a marvelous and tender few moments together before heading on an overflowing session. There were two sisters taking out their own endowments which added to the joy.
Saturday, Nov. 24th
Ray and I worked both shifts today. Jennifer and Jessica spent the day at church history sites, Sauders, It’s a Wonderful Life Museum, and Muranda’s Cheese Company. They seemed to enjoy their day.
Sunday, Nov. 25th
At the Book of Mormon Publishing Site |
Hooray! Helen’s roof is fixed. Such a relief to know their home will be dry. Though I’m sure there are repairs on the inside, at least the water and snow will stay on the outside where they belong. We checked and her hot water heater is also still working.
Right away, she asked Elder Pickup to take her to Walmart to buy a cell phone. We were not comfortable shopping on Sunday. Helen understood this. On the way home, Ray discussed it with Len and made a plan to have Sister Harvey help them with it tomorrow. Ray did some research and discovered a good option for them.
My lesson in SS was on honesty today. It went well. We showed two videos that I hope will help the class members feel strengthened to be honest in all their dealings. It was fun to have Jennifer and Jessica in the class.
The Stake YM Presidency and high counselor were visiting today. We have a new Elder. Elder Blackham and Elder Miller. They spoke in Sac. Meeting. I felt the strength of their testimonies and know they will help move the missionary work along in Hornell.
Niagara Falls, NY |
Tour Gang |
Monday, Nov. 26th
Today was a Niagara Falls tour with Brother Straussberg as our guide. I loved seeing the falls from the US side and hope to go back in the spring. It rained all day so this was a wet and umbrella driven tour. Brother Straussberg lives in Niagara Falls and is very knowledgeable about the history, geography, and current events of the area. I did not hear all he taught as I would hang back with Jennifer and Jessica as they took photos, etc. But what I did hear was informative and fun. We ate at a Greek Restaurant, visited the Whirlpool Park, the Freedom Park, and an Italian Bakery. We left just in time to get Jennifer and Jessica to the airport for their flight.
A Rainy Day |
Niagara River, 3 Sister Island |
Freedom Crossing Monument |
And all too soon, they are gone |
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