Sunday, October 14th
We failed to make arrangements for Helen and Mary to get home and so we had to run them home (20 miles) then come back to help with the Ecumenical Dinner in Hornell. They really could have done with out us but we felt compelled to attend since Buchanans have gone home. Ray enjoyed making chili and I finally figured out how to use the electric cheese slicer. It was fast Sunday so a bit more challenging.
Monday, October 15th
Spencer & Sarah Jensen |
After catching up on things, we headed to Victor to tour the Valentown Museum. This was an early Mall concept that Valentine had. It was quite interesting. The docent was fun and knowledgeable Part of the the building has been restored but the upstairs dance hall not so much. You can see through the outside walls. They had a large collection of painted plates that we sorted through and in the end came home with 4. For FHE we had a concert with Spencer and Sarah Jensen. Double Bass and Piano respectively. They talked to us about the instrument, how they met, and his current work at the Rochester Eastman School of Music.
Valentown |
Tuesday, October 16th
We had the oil changed in the car this morning in preparation for Kade and Hailey’s visit. Then off to the temple to work a double shift.
With Cindy & Tom Black |
Wednesday, October 17th
We worked a double shift today and were able to officiate the 3pm session that Tom and Cindy Black attended. Afterward, they came over for dinner (stew, peasant bread, etc). We had such a delightful visit and hated to see them go. We exchanged family file cards. We have been happy to complete baptisms, initiatory, and sealings for them. They took home the endowment work and we took another 40+ baptisms.
Kade and Hailey arrived at the ROC airport at 11:30pm. We got home and tucked them into bed around 1am
Thursday, October 18th
Up earlier than we wanted (7am) to be at the temple before 8am. Kade and Hailey were able to complete our baptisms (about 25 total). Kade was also able to baptize someone else, then help in the baptistery. I had a break after our assignment so I was able to change and run them back to the apartment where they took a nap while we finished our shift.
As I watched them working in the baptistery, my heart swelled with love and goodness. The thought came to me that the promise made by Malachi that the Elijah’s coming with “shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers “
Is not just for the living to the dead and the dead to the living. But also the living to the living. I felt that with great power today. Oh how I love these two faithful grandchildren and feel blessed that they have come to visit.
After getting home we headed for the Sacred Grove and the Joseph Smith Farm. We enjoyed the tour and then took a wonderful walk through the grove. The weather was cool but dry and we captured some wonderful moments and views. The grove is always a special place to walk and reflect. Some of the scenery was just breathtaking.
The Sacred Grove |
beautiful fall flower beds |
Hailey in the Sacred Grove |
A beautiful day |
The sun shining through the trees |
Gorgeous view from the log cabin |
Kade in the Sacred Grove |
Can you see the temple? From one sacred place to another. |
Kade & Hailey, top of the Hill Cumorah |
From there we headed to the Hill Cumorah. The view
from the monument was lovely. We met a family there that were from Neola, UT and knew Ray’s cousin, Jake Pickup. This is not the first time we have met someone who knows the Pickups in Utah.
Moroni Monument |
Moroni Monument |
Kade ran down the steep grassy hillside while Hailey and I took the more conservative route along the paved trail. Ray drove the car to the visitors center. We watched “The Restoration” and enjoyed the displays, especially the variety of Book of Mormons translated into varying languages.
We were pretty chilled by the time we got home and enjoyed a warm bowl of Taco Soup (except Kade who doesn’t like tomatoes). Then played dominoes and Bananagrams before going to bed.
Kade, Hill Cumorah |
Hill Cumorah Visitor Center |
Friday, October 19th
Aaronic Priesthood Restoration Monument |
On our way to the Priesthood Restoration site we stopped at the Ford Dealer to pick up a new speaker for the Escape drivers door. Ray had tried to fix this before leaving and again last week but it is getting worse so we finally bit the bullet and got a new one. .
It was quite a ways to Harmony, 150 miles or so. We tried not to complain remembering that Joseph and others had made the trip by foot or by buggy. We were in a comfortable warm, dry vehicle and arrived in less than 3 hours.
Reconstructed Hale Home |
The weather again was perfect. Warmer today making all the outside visits to homes, graveyards, and the Susquehanna River pleasant and uplifting. I was struck again by the dedication and faith of Joseph and Emma. And the strength that came to both of them following trials that happened early in their marriage and lives: the loss of a child, the loss of the manuscript, in-laws not in favor of your marriage. These had to be difficult to face but were followed by a sweet time of revelation and translation. “Days never to be forgotten” Oliver would say. The joys that accompanied the truths revealed in the translation were personal, rich, and poignant. What a glorious time this must have been.
Reconstructed home of Joseph & Emma |
Aaronic Priesthood Restoration Statue |
Graveyard |
Kade and Hailey seemed to especially enjoy the time along the river. They captured some beautiful pictures of this peaceful and sacred ground
Susquehanna River |
Susquehanna River |
Susquehanna River
Susquehanna River |
By now we have eaten all the sandwiches and snacks so it was time for food. There is a BBQ place along the highway called the Red Rock. It as delicious and we ate nearly every bite. The only disappointment was they no longer served ice cream (It’s fall don’t you know) But today the temperatures were in the 70’s and I, for one, would have loved a small bowl of chocolate almond to top off my pulled pork sandwich.
Ithaca Falls |
We took a route home along the finger lake Cayuga so we could stop in Ithaca to see their water fall. It did not disappoint. The world is full of amazing beauties.
Whitmer Farm Log Cabin |
We stopped for gas then headed to the Whitmer Farm. We knew we would not get there much before closing time at 7pm but wanted to try anyway. We were not able to watch their film “Days of Eternity” but they let us join a group to tour the cottage. The Senior Missionary leading the tour was great and I noticed that Kade seemed to enjoy the things he shared with us. I love the feeling of this cabin and the marvelous events here. When we were upstairs, Kade and Hailey both commented on how they would love to have replica of the original printing of the Book of Mormon.
Whitmer Farm Log Cabin |
We were home around 9pm or 10pm and crashed to bed.
Saturday, October 20th
Kade and Grandma at the Temple |
Up again early for the temple. Baptisms at 8am. There are local coordinators that help on Saturday so we assisted them. A father and son from London who joined us in the baptistery as well as a young couple. Black’s had left 20 male/21 female baptisms. There was time, so Kade and Hailey did all of them. I, again, felt my heart swell with love at the marvelous scene before me. I love the temple.
Eire Canal - beautiful day |
Martin Harris Home |
Bond’s offered to take our shift and came in around 10 am to finish working for us. We headed home, Ray rested while Kade, Hailey and I went to the store, Lock 29, the Martin Harris home, and to Harvest Books for their Book of Mormons.
On the way to Niagara we shared music back and forth. Ray’s music and Kade’s music. It was a fun memory. Kade had sync’d up his phone before we left so we could hear his sound tracks. There is some fun and good music out there that I never hear. I was grateful to be around youth again.
Niagara Falls was gorgeous today. The weather perfect...well as perfect at late October can be. Cool, but dry. No wind so no mists. We got some wonderful photos and captured some of the fall colors.
American Falls |
Enjoying Hailey's playing |
After getting home, I had to get my lesson ready for primary. Kade was a big help converting a u-tube video to something I could download to my computer. He is rather handy to have around. He and Hailey have taught me ways to use my camera that are fun.
Hailey played the piano while here and I loved every note and minute of her sharing her talents. Then I had to prepare a salad, brownies and bread for the “Dish-to-Pass” tomorrow and for a family in the Branch whose mother broke her leg.
Sunday, October 21st
The Primary class was rowdy today. I did not feel good about how I handle it and regretting that they were not engaged in the lesson. I was in the middle of telling a story when the bell rang and they jumped up to leave making me feel bad that I couldn't even capture their attention with a story. Oh well, music time went much better. I love music time.
Grandin Building |
Just in case you don't know which way to turn |
Grandin Building |
Kade enjoyed visiting with the missionaries. Hailey seemed to make friends easily with the Harvey girls. We took a nap when we got home then went over to the Grandin Building for a tour. We discovered that they have a media room so we watched “Days of Eternity”. It was great! I love the new church history films. I think they do a marvelous job of capturing the events of the day and the spirit of the restoration.
Monday, October 22
And the children were settle, all snug in their beds... |
We were up and ready to go in time for Ray to give Hailey and Kade a priesthood blessing. This was a wonderful end to 5 terrific days sharing the temple and church history sites with them. We were sad to see them go.
And then they were gone... |
A farewell to the current Temple Presidency |
For FHE President and Sister Black spoke about the history of the temple in Palmyra. It was their last FHE before being release. It was also the last FHE for the 6 month missionaries. The RS room was filled with testimony as we sang a rousing rendition of “High on a Mountain Top” and full of tears as we sang “God Be With You Til we Meet Again” at the close.
Tues.—Sat., Oct. 23rd-27th
We worked 7 shifts this week, on George Pickup’s history, usual laundry, shopping, etc.
There has been a lot of ‘goodbyes’ as we anticipate good friends leaving for home (15 couples) and a new temple presidency that will start next week.
I helped in the office at the temple on one shift and was able to help a few other workers who had questions and concerns. I was able to get 4 women endowment work completed and a few sealings as well as the initiatory for the women baptized by Kade and Hailey last week.
Thurs am shift I was asked to train the sister on how to fold garments and towels in the laundry. I like doing things like that.
We attended a session on Friday before all the summer missionaries go home.
We went to dinner with the Gills and said our goodbyes.
Jacob 2:1-2
Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith,
and he will console you in your afflictions,
and he will plead your cause ...
O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads
and receive the pleasing word of God,
and feast upon his love;
for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever.
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