Saturday, March 23rd
Our temple service today was sweet and rewarding. Among other things, we greeted, with joy, a couple from Basin City, Barton and Susan Hawkins. What a joy to feel the connection to my childhood and be reminded of the power of the saints there. We visited a short time in the temple and determined to met for dinner after our shifts and after their touring of historical sites.
Though Saturday evening is an exhausting part of our week, we felt invigorated by the time spent together, reminiscing about the strength and power of my homeland. Our conversations flowed easily even though we had not lived there together. Their faith and goodness carried me back to my childhood and the truths that were taught and demonstrated by the saints there. I pondered how that light and goodness has been carried throughout the world. I know that my strength and faith came from this fertile soil.
Oh what a joy!
Sunday, March 24th
Ray and I have been fighting off some kind of virus, I suspect. Ray had a headache most of the day and I just feel tired all the time.
We managed to make it to church and to teach our class but sadly we did not stay and help with the Ecumenical dinner. This is something we truly enjoy but just didn’t have the energy today.
We continue to help Len and Helen with their finances and pray constantly to understand the best way to help. Len has trusted us with information and I have been able to organize it and now we are waiting to see what to do next.
We had a good rest this afternoon.
Monday, March 24th
Sunny but a bit chilly. We didn't let that stop us from our first outing to Chill 'n Grill |
After the gym and class, we got ready to head to the temple for a special session. The Rochester Mission likes to bring the full-time missionaries to a session as they head home. Monday is the best day for this so through the winter schedule we hold a special session just for them. There was only one missionary there today. It reminded me of how important the one is!
Wednesday, March 27th
Lunch at Olive Garden for the Bayles and Seamons. It is hard to accept that they will be heading home soon. It means that we, Barlow’s and Barrett’s are next. The time is drawing to a close.
The day was warm and lovely. After we got home, I had Ray get out my bike while I cleaned the apartment. Then I took off for a bike ride up to the goose park. What a glorious feeling it was to be back out biking again.
Warm and Sunny but spring is still waiting to arrive. |
Ice still on the ponds. |
Thursday, March 28th
I have set two reading goals.
1. To read all of President Nelson’s conference talks since he became and apostle (there are 97). I decided to start with the oldest and am just about to the year 2000. It has been a fantastic journey. He has been a powerful teacher and his messages continue to be relevant today.
His message in 1985 “Reverence for Life” provides eternal perspective on the sanctity of life and the horror of abortion. Other titles express the wonderful truths he has taught for so long. “Self-Mastery, In the Lord’s Own Way, Joy Cometh in the Morning, Life after Life, Lessons from Eve, The Canker of Contention” and on and on.
In the April 1997 talk “Endure and Be Lifted Up” I found this gem:
“Stick to your task till it sticks to you;
Beginners are many, but enders are few.
Honor, power, place, and praise
Will always come to the one who stays.
Stick to your task till it sticks to you;
Bend at it, Sweat at it, smile at ti too;
For out of the bend and the seat and the smile
Will come life’s victories, after a while.” - author unknown
President Nelson goes on to teach the importance of commitment and ’staying in the boat’. ...
“When faced with temptations, you will find that strength comes from commitments made well in advance. The Lord said, “Settle this in your hearts, that ye will do the things which I shall teach, and command you.” JST, Luke 14:28
Another goal I have is to read all of the October 2018 conference talks before general conference in a few weeks. I decided to start at the end and work my way backward.
This morning I read Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “Believe, Love, Do” Several things struck me. First I loved this quote
“Belief a plow that we take into the fields and, by the seat of our brow, create furrows in the earth that accept seeds and bear fruit that shall remain.” see John 15:16
Then I read under the section “We Do” was this quote
“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...offers a place to practice living the way He taught and blessing others the way He did. As Church members, we are given callings, responsibilities, and opportunities to reach out in compassion and minister to others.”
I couldn’t help but think of our service to Helen and Len. We were less than enthusiastic about taking on this responsibility and opportunity but it has truly been a great blessing to us. We have been strengthened by Helen’s faith and found ways to support and help them. Our last desire is to see them prepared to attend the temple.
April 1st, Monday
Missionaries at the Naval Park |
We enjoyed a sunny, albeit cold, day at the Naval and Military Park in Buffalo. I had gathered admission and ordered box lunches. As we were getting ready to leave, I reflected on how the organizer doesn’t really get to relax until everyone is in place and set to go. But once everything was settled and the tours started I quite enjoyed things.
The Medical/Treatment Room |
OK. Next time someone complains about flushing or putting the lid down, have them read these instructions for using a toilet on a submarine. |
Here is the roomy bathroom |