Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Niagara on the Lake, April 22 - April 28

Tour of Niagara with Brother and Sister Straussberg

Monday, April 22nd

Last week we began to meet the arriving 6 month missionaries as they came to serve as patrons.
A total of 50 missionaries plus the presidency.  I was surprised how nicely we fit in the space downstairs at the President’s home. We met the Ashby’s from Vernal who we discovered are 2nd cousins to Ray.  Elder Ashby’s grandmother is a Pickup.We met other magnificent couples.

President Evans referred to in his message the account from 3 Nephi where the people were invited to come and touch the wounds of the Savior.  It hit me that perhaps we symbolically do this at the temple at the veil.  One by one we come to the Lord.  Our Father in Heaven and by the power of the atonement of Christ, we are allowed into His presence.  It was sweet for me to reflect on this.

Tuesday, April 23rd.

Kevin’s and Alex’s birthdays today.  I thought of them often through out the day.  Our work in the temple continues to be sweet.  I was assigned as a Veil Coordinator and reflected on the feelings I had yesterday regarding bring each person one by one to the veil.  Tender feelings and reverence filled my heart and a joyful realization as I watched each patron take a turn in proxy for someone coming to the Lord.

Wednesday, April 24th

Lunch in Niagara By the Lake
Today we left at 8am to travel with Barlow’s to Niagara at the Lake.  Brother and Sister Straussberg met us there and took us on a tour of the area that they know so well.  It was a pleasant albeit cold day.  After oohing and awing over the beautiful homes and landscape and vistas, we took some time to walk along the shops in town  One store was filled with jellies, preserves, and sauces.  We could taste many of them and I found my taste buds smiling in joy at the rich and lovely flavors.  We didn’t purchase anything.  Perhaps if we had come earlier in our mission but we are in the mind frame to reduce the food in the pantry not add to it.
Another store was filled with interesting things from around the world.  We bought a fun handcarved wooden puzzle with hidden compartments.
As we strolled by a leather shop a beautiful leather jacket caught my eye.  I said something about how cute it was and the next thing I know, Ray is buying it for me.  This was a little out of character and I wasn’t sure just how to respond.  Sister Straussberg just smiled and said to him, “Well, done”.
one last look

Friday, April 26th

We sold our bikes to the Nuttals today.  They were excited to get them. Elder Nuttal rode his to the White house where they will store them and make them available for other missionaries to ride.  I felt a little sad to see them go, realizing that my rides along the canal are over.
Sister Henningson mentioned that they had gone for a ride but didn’t think the canal was very pretty.  I told her to wait for summer, she may change her mind.

Sunday, April 28th

Church went well today.  Music in primary, Ray taught the Elder’s Quorum, and I taught the Temple Preparation class.  On the way to the car, Ray stopped and gave me a big hug.  He told me how much he loved me and was proud of me.  I needed that so badly.
Helen and Len are doing better.  We hope the new couple will embrace them and continue to urge them to the temple.

Blessings and Easter, April 9 - 21

Tuesday, April 9—Saturday, April 13th

We are starting to sort through things and get ready for our trip home.
The focus this week has included finishing and sending our Tax Return, helping Len and Helen with their finances, and keeping up with the missionary activities.
Friday was another SVU special session plus.  I also made 4 crusts for fruit pizza for FHE Monday and burned up my mixer while trying to mix the cream cheese topping.
The temple still provides strength and opportunities for growth and learning.  There are times when your talents are utilized well.

Sunday, April 14th

We received a call early that Helen would not be coming to church with us today.  We were concerned and soon learned that Len was struggling with his asthma but had not been able to purchase his inhalers. His coughing fits kept both he and Helen up at night.   He was waiting for the next pay check due on the 17th.  We called back and made arrangements to purchase it for him which we did after church.  We made arrangements to come back the next day when Brother Harvey could help Ray provide a priesthood blessing.  Hoping that the needed medicine would allow for some rest.

Monday, April 15th

After gym class, we got ready and headed down to Wayland.  We found Len and Helen in better spirits.  We explored options that might help them get their finances in order.  Including a call to the CU to see if they would reverse some of the over draft fees.  We suggested that perhaps they could get food orders from the Bishop’s storehouse to help for a couple of months while they paid off some debts.  Then Brother Harvey came and gave Len and Helen some beautiful blessings.  We learned that Len had not had his insulin for several days so we went to purchase that for them.  We left them with hope and lifted spirits.

Thursday, April 18th

I received a call late last night from Lorraine asking if I would come in and help as a guide for an own endowment this morning.  Ray came with me hoping to attend both sessions, unless needed somewhere else.
I had an amazing experience with this sweet sister.  I met her when she arrived and she seemed so nervous.   As I administered the blessings in washings, I felt the spirit and was overcome with emotion.  As I finished, this sweet sister simply said “Wow!”.  As the continued blessings flowed, I heard her exclaim this again.  As we left the initiatory area, I noticed a change in her countenance.  She walked with confidence, joy, and purpose.  It seemed to me that the world had been lifted off her shoulders.  It was a sweet and tender thing to witness.
Oh the power of the atonement and the marvelous way it is manifest in the ordinances.
I saw her next in the Celestial room and marveled at her beauty and strength.  This sweet sister will never be the same.

I love these quotes:
“While we strive to be diligent in building up Zion, 
including our part in the gathering of the Lord’s elect and the redemption of the dead, 
We should pause to remember that it is the Lord’s work and he is doing it. “ 
D. Todd Christofferson April 2019

“One way to ‘always remember His’ would be to join the Great Physician 
in His never-ending task of lifting the load from those who are burdened 
and relieving the pain of those who are distraught.”  
Jeffery R. Holland, April 2019

I always chuckle at this house
we see on our way to church
each week.  Not sure how this passed code.
“C.S. Lewis once said that if we could recognize who we were, 
we would realize that we were walking with possible gods and goddesses, 
whom if we could see them in all their eternal dignity and glory, 
we would be tempted to fall and worship.  
Because it is true, we need to think more highly of ourselves, 
and we need to think more highly of each other.”  
Jeffery R. Holland

Friday, April 19th

We helped with an extra sealing this morning.  A young couple getting married.
It is always a joyful time when two people join their lives together.  Brother Straussburg performed the ceremony and does such a marvelous job of making it personal and uplifting.
It took quite a while to complete everything.  The groom forgot his belt and after looking around for one, learned there were no extras in the temple so suspenders where used.  The bride waited patiently.  While getting ready to exit the temple, the bouquet fell apart.  I was able to jerry-rig it with some unfolded paper clips.  The gown train did not have a way to hook it up, so I was able to fashion a loop from white ribbon and safety pins.  Finally, things were all put together and the bride and groom began their exit.

Sunday, April 21st  - Easter

I felt strengthened by Sister Petraitis’s talk in Sacrament meeting.  She is strong and faithful and close to the spirit.  In Primary we talked about the events around Christ’s Atonement and sang Gethsemane
For dinner we gathered at the Titsworth’s apartment.  All the 12 month missionaries were there along with the Millers and Kimblers.  We read from the scriptures and enjoyed our associations. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

Sharee, Evie, and Conference, April 2 - 7

Sharee at Sauders

April 3, 2019, Wednesday

Sharee is arriving tonight with Evie so Ray and I have been looking for a crib.  Hoping to buy one that we can turn around and sell.  We narrowed the field to two and decided on the closer one.  The owners were grandparents like us and the environment was clean with no smoking or pets.  We paid $125 and brought it home to set up.  There were a few set up mistakes that we mended as we put it back together.

Evie's new bed
Brother Anderson, a sealer at the temple, took us to dinner at Longhorn Steak House.  What a kind and wonderful man.  He is quite direct but has a wonderful spirit.  We shared our life experiences, laughed and enjoyed each others company very much.  He was generous and kind.

April 4, 2019, Thursday

We picked up Sharee and Evie early this morning (12:30am).  Evie got upset as Sharee put in her carseat.  She was so tired.  We hadn’t got very far when Evie started to throw up and continued nearly all the way home.  We thought to pull over but decided it might be better to just get home. 
It was nearly 2am before everyone was cleaned up and sleeping.
Evie slept in her crib until around 5am then snuggled into bed with her mom.

April 5, 2019, Friday

After breakfast we loaded up and went to the Whitmer Farm.  Poor Evie was distraught to ride in her car seat.  But we made it.  Ray and I took turns watching her so that Sharee could experience the visitors center.  This is a special place.

We went to Sauders for lunch then back in time to get to our temple assignment.  

Having fun at the Palmyra Easter Egg Hunt

April 6th, Saturday

General Conference Saturday.  What powerful messages.  So much to think and reflect on.  I will not share all the impressions I had but will simply outline the day.
Conference here doesn’t start until 12 noon.  So we started the day going out to breakfast with the Barlow’s.  On the way home we noticed an egg hunt at the park so Sharee, Evie and I preempted our plans to go to Cumorah and took Evie there instead.  It was great!.  I found a basket and Evie eventually got the idea to pick up the eggs and put them in the basket.  Afterward we played on the swings, teeter-totter, merry-go-round, slides, etc.  The people were friendly and one grandmother actually invited me to join her on the tetter-totter which I was more than happy to do.

Who needs Easter eggs when there is a dog around.

Fun on an
Old Fashion
Finding a helpful friend at the park

After the first session, Sharee and I biked to the Smith Farm while grandpa tended Evie.  It was a beautiful day.  Sister Robins took us on a tour and we felt her sweet spirit and testimony.  Then we took a short walk through the grove as we had to get back for the afternoon session.  I biked home pretty fast but Sharee kept up just fine though I noticed her stretching after we got back.
Another amazing session of conference.
Sharee in the Sacred Grove
Afterward, Sharee, Evie and I went for ice cream at Chill and Grill.  Sharee got a kick out of the portions.  You can talk about it and talk about it but experiencing it is a whole different experience.

Chill and Grill brings smiles
This is the Kiddy Cone - No! Really
not the small, medium, or large - the Kiddy Cone.

Sunday, April 7th

Baking with Mom

Hill Cumorah with Sharee and Evie

Hill Cumorah Visitor Center

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Basin City, Ice Cream, and Ships, March 23 - April 1

Saturday, March 23rd

Our temple service today was sweet and rewarding.  Among other things, we greeted, with joy, a couple from Basin City, Barton and Susan Hawkins.  What a joy to feel the connection to my childhood and be reminded of the power of the saints there.  We visited a short time in the temple and determined to met for dinner after our shifts and after their touring of historical sites.
Though Saturday evening is an exhausting part of our week,  we felt invigorated by the time spent together, reminiscing about the strength and power of my homeland.  Our conversations flowed easily even though we had not lived there together. Their faith and goodness carried me back to my childhood and the truths that were taught and demonstrated by the saints there.  I pondered how that light and goodness has been carried throughout the world.  I know that my strength and faith came from this fertile soil. 
Oh what a joy!

 Sunday, March 24th

Ray and I have been fighting off some kind of virus, I suspect.  Ray had a headache most of the day and I just feel tired all the time.
We managed to make it to church and to teach our class but sadly we did not stay and help with the Ecumenical dinner.  This is something we truly enjoy but just didn’t have the energy today.
We continue to help Len and Helen with their finances and pray constantly to understand the best way to help.  Len has trusted us with information and I have been able to organize it and now we are waiting to see what to do next.
We had a good rest this afternoon.

Monday, March 24th

Sunny but a bit chilly.  We didn't let that stop us
from our first outing to Chill 'n Grill
After the gym and class, we got ready to head to the temple for a special session.  The Rochester Mission likes to bring the full-time missionaries to a session as they head home.  Monday is the best day for this so through the winter schedule we hold a special session just for them.  There was only one missionary there today.  It reminded me of how important the one is!  

Wednesday, March 27th

Lunch at Olive Garden for the Bayles and Seamons.  It is hard to accept that they will be heading home soon.  It means that we, Barlow’s and Barrett’s are next.  The time is drawing to a close.

The day was warm and lovely.  After we got home, I had Ray get out my bike while I cleaned the apartment.  Then I took off for a bike ride up to the goose park.  What a glorious feeling it was to be back out biking again.
Warm and Sunny but spring is still waiting to arrive.

Ice still on the ponds. 

Thursday, March 28th

I have set two reading goals.  
1. To read all of President Nelson’s conference talks since he became and apostle (there are 97).  I decided to start with the oldest and am just about to the year 2000.  It has been a fantastic journey.  He has been a powerful teacher and his messages continue to be relevant today. 
His message in 1985 “Reverence for Life” provides eternal perspective on the sanctity of life and the horror of abortion.  Other titles express the wonderful truths he has taught for so long. “Self-Mastery, In the Lord’s Own Way, Joy Cometh in the Morning, Life after Life, Lessons from Eve, The Canker of Contention”  and on and on. 

In the April 1997 talk “Endure and Be Lifted Up” I found this gem:

“Stick to your task till it sticks to you;
Beginners are many, but enders are few.
Honor, power, place, and praise
Will always come to the one who stays.
Stick to your task till it sticks to you;
Bend at it, Sweat at it, smile at ti too;
For out of the bend and the seat and the smile
Will come life’s victories, after a while.” - author unknown

President Nelson goes on to teach the importance of commitment and ’staying in the boat’.  ... 

“When faced with temptations, you will find that strength comes from commitments made well in advance.  The Lord said, “Settle this in your hearts, that ye will do the things which I shall teach, and command you.” JST, Luke 14:28

Another goal I have is to read all of the October 2018 conference talks before general conference in a few weeks.  I decided to start at the end and work my way backward.  
This morning I read Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “Believe, Love, Do”  Several things struck me.  First I loved this quote

 “Belief is...like a plow that we take into the fields and, by the seat of our brow, create furrows in the earth that accept seeds and bear fruit that shall remain.”  see John 15:16

Then I read under the section “We Do” was this quote  

“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...offers a place to practice living the way He taught and blessing others the way He did.  As Church members, we are given callings, responsibilities, and opportunities to reach out in compassion and minister to others.” 

I couldn’t help but think of our service to Helen and Len.  We were less than enthusiastic about taking on this responsibility and opportunity but it has truly been a great blessing to us.  We have been strengthened by Helen’s faith and found ways to support and help them.  Our last desire is to see them prepared to attend the temple. 

April 1st, Monday

Missionaries at the Naval Park
We enjoyed a sunny, albeit cold, day at the Naval and Military Park in Buffalo.  I had gathered admission and ordered box lunches.  As we were getting ready to leave, I reflected on how the organizer doesn’t really get to relax until everyone is in place and set to go.  But once everything was settled and the tours started I quite enjoyed things. 

It was a great outing.

The Medical/Treatment Room

OK.  Next time someone complains about
flushing or putting the lid down,
have them read these instructions
for using a toilet on a submarine. 

Here is the roomy bathroom