Friday, April 26, 2019

Sharee, Evie, and Conference, April 2 - 7

Sharee at Sauders

April 3, 2019, Wednesday

Sharee is arriving tonight with Evie so Ray and I have been looking for a crib.  Hoping to buy one that we can turn around and sell.  We narrowed the field to two and decided on the closer one.  The owners were grandparents like us and the environment was clean with no smoking or pets.  We paid $125 and brought it home to set up.  There were a few set up mistakes that we mended as we put it back together.

Evie's new bed
Brother Anderson, a sealer at the temple, took us to dinner at Longhorn Steak House.  What a kind and wonderful man.  He is quite direct but has a wonderful spirit.  We shared our life experiences, laughed and enjoyed each others company very much.  He was generous and kind.

April 4, 2019, Thursday

We picked up Sharee and Evie early this morning (12:30am).  Evie got upset as Sharee put in her carseat.  She was so tired.  We hadn’t got very far when Evie started to throw up and continued nearly all the way home.  We thought to pull over but decided it might be better to just get home. 
It was nearly 2am before everyone was cleaned up and sleeping.
Evie slept in her crib until around 5am then snuggled into bed with her mom.

April 5, 2019, Friday

After breakfast we loaded up and went to the Whitmer Farm.  Poor Evie was distraught to ride in her car seat.  But we made it.  Ray and I took turns watching her so that Sharee could experience the visitors center.  This is a special place.

We went to Sauders for lunch then back in time to get to our temple assignment.  

Having fun at the Palmyra Easter Egg Hunt

April 6th, Saturday

General Conference Saturday.  What powerful messages.  So much to think and reflect on.  I will not share all the impressions I had but will simply outline the day.
Conference here doesn’t start until 12 noon.  So we started the day going out to breakfast with the Barlow’s.  On the way home we noticed an egg hunt at the park so Sharee, Evie and I preempted our plans to go to Cumorah and took Evie there instead.  It was great!.  I found a basket and Evie eventually got the idea to pick up the eggs and put them in the basket.  Afterward we played on the swings, teeter-totter, merry-go-round, slides, etc.  The people were friendly and one grandmother actually invited me to join her on the tetter-totter which I was more than happy to do.

Who needs Easter eggs when there is a dog around.

Fun on an
Old Fashion
Finding a helpful friend at the park

After the first session, Sharee and I biked to the Smith Farm while grandpa tended Evie.  It was a beautiful day.  Sister Robins took us on a tour and we felt her sweet spirit and testimony.  Then we took a short walk through the grove as we had to get back for the afternoon session.  I biked home pretty fast but Sharee kept up just fine though I noticed her stretching after we got back.
Another amazing session of conference.
Sharee in the Sacred Grove
Afterward, Sharee, Evie and I went for ice cream at Chill and Grill.  Sharee got a kick out of the portions.  You can talk about it and talk about it but experiencing it is a whole different experience.

Chill and Grill brings smiles
This is the Kiddy Cone - No! Really
not the small, medium, or large - the Kiddy Cone.

Sunday, April 7th

Baking with Mom

Hill Cumorah with Sharee and Evie

Hill Cumorah Visitor Center

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