Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Niagara on the Lake, April 22 - April 28

Tour of Niagara with Brother and Sister Straussberg

Monday, April 22nd

Last week we began to meet the arriving 6 month missionaries as they came to serve as patrons.
A total of 50 missionaries plus the presidency.  I was surprised how nicely we fit in the space downstairs at the President’s home. We met the Ashby’s from Vernal who we discovered are 2nd cousins to Ray.  Elder Ashby’s grandmother is a Pickup.We met other magnificent couples.

President Evans referred to in his message the account from 3 Nephi where the people were invited to come and touch the wounds of the Savior.  It hit me that perhaps we symbolically do this at the temple at the veil.  One by one we come to the Lord.  Our Father in Heaven and by the power of the atonement of Christ, we are allowed into His presence.  It was sweet for me to reflect on this.

Tuesday, April 23rd.

Kevin’s and Alex’s birthdays today.  I thought of them often through out the day.  Our work in the temple continues to be sweet.  I was assigned as a Veil Coordinator and reflected on the feelings I had yesterday regarding bring each person one by one to the veil.  Tender feelings and reverence filled my heart and a joyful realization as I watched each patron take a turn in proxy for someone coming to the Lord.

Wednesday, April 24th

Lunch in Niagara By the Lake
Today we left at 8am to travel with Barlow’s to Niagara at the Lake.  Brother and Sister Straussberg met us there and took us on a tour of the area that they know so well.  It was a pleasant albeit cold day.  After oohing and awing over the beautiful homes and landscape and vistas, we took some time to walk along the shops in town  One store was filled with jellies, preserves, and sauces.  We could taste many of them and I found my taste buds smiling in joy at the rich and lovely flavors.  We didn’t purchase anything.  Perhaps if we had come earlier in our mission but we are in the mind frame to reduce the food in the pantry not add to it.
Another store was filled with interesting things from around the world.  We bought a fun handcarved wooden puzzle with hidden compartments.
As we strolled by a leather shop a beautiful leather jacket caught my eye.  I said something about how cute it was and the next thing I know, Ray is buying it for me.  This was a little out of character and I wasn’t sure just how to respond.  Sister Straussberg just smiled and said to him, “Well, done”.
one last look

Friday, April 26th

We sold our bikes to the Nuttals today.  They were excited to get them. Elder Nuttal rode his to the White house where they will store them and make them available for other missionaries to ride.  I felt a little sad to see them go, realizing that my rides along the canal are over.
Sister Henningson mentioned that they had gone for a ride but didn’t think the canal was very pretty.  I told her to wait for summer, she may change her mind.

Sunday, April 28th

Church went well today.  Music in primary, Ray taught the Elder’s Quorum, and I taught the Temple Preparation class.  On the way to the car, Ray stopped and gave me a big hug.  He told me how much he loved me and was proud of me.  I needed that so badly.
Helen and Len are doing better.  We hope the new couple will embrace them and continue to urge them to the temple.

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