Friday, December 21, 2018

Concerts, Service, Hastening Work, Dec. 10 -17

Nabrotzky Women's Choir

Monday, December 10th

For FHE we had Sister Nabrotzky and a women’s choir come for a Christmas Program.  It was delightful. So talented and generous with their time.  I conducted FHE.  Ray was kind and complimentary of my efforts but his comment “You know you really don’t need to be nervous when you conduct.” threw me off guard and made me worry about how I came across.   Oh my, sometimes my feelings are so fragile.  I really need to get a grip.

Tuesday, December 11th

The Temple Presidency have created a statement regarding ways to improve the patron experience and stay focused on the ordinance.   Change can be hard for some but, honestly, nothing is really different just a re-emphasis on helping the spirit dwell in the temple and improving the reverence.  Or in other words, improving the ability for all to feel God’s spirit while there.  
Ray at the gym

Wednesday, Dec. 12th

We went to the gym this morning, then cleaned, laundry, made dinner, and had an activities meeting at 3pm.  Dave gave a most tender prayer to start things off.  It set a powerful tone for our discussion and within an hour or so we had things mapped out and planned through the first week in May.  Afterward, we ate dinner together (lasagna, salad, corn, bread).  After clean up we decided to watch a Christmas Movie.  We settled on “The Man Who Invented Christmas”.  We had popcorn and Root Beer Floats while Dave polished his and our Sunday shoes.  He is amazing and so full of kindness and generosity and service.  A great example to all of us.

Thursday, December 13th

My beautiful polished shoes.  An act of love and service. 
Ray saw the Orthopedic Dr. today.  He said that the MRI showed that the right shoulder is arthritic and the tendons inflamed.  Intervention will be determined on pain levels.  The PT seems to be helping.  
I had to resist the urge to be irritated by the front staff that were joking and visiting when we arrived and didn’t stop to help us until they had finished.  Then there was no appointment.  But in the end it was a good visit.
We did a bit of shopping at Walgreens’ and Wegmans and Walmart.  The toys arrived for the giving tree so we got them ready to take tomorrow. Our shift at the temple was great, uplifting, and inspiring.  I came across this scripture in D&C 128 that sent chills up my spine as I thought about how it applies to the temple.

22 Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing. Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to the King Immanuel, who hath ordained, before the world was, that which would enable us to redeem them out of their prison; for the prisoners shall go free.

23 Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King! And ye rivers, and brooks, and rills, flow down with gladness. Let the woods and all the trees of the field praise the Lord; and ye solid rocks weep for joy! And let the sun, moon, and the morning stars sing together, and let all the sons of God shout for joy! And let the eternal creations declare his name forever and ever! And again I say, how glorious is the voice we hear from heaven, proclaiming in our ears, glory, and salvation, and honor, and immortality, and eternal life; kingdoms, principalities, and powers!

I was thrilled by the announcement  regarding age changes for youth progression and ordination. I felt shear joy and confirmation of God's hastening work.  What a marvelous time to be alive. 

Sunday, Dec. 16th

We have been opening our 12 days of Christmas gifts which brings much Christmas cheer into our home. 
Today at church we continued to work on the Christmas Program for next week.
I noticed that Andrew was visiting with Alex during SS in the hall. Later, they went to class but it appeared Alex was disruptive and soon Mom & Dad had some words of instruction (Alex you are to stay with your father the rest of church) I asked if it would be OK if Alex helped with the chairs today and set up for next week.  And was dad ok staying around so he could do it now. They agreed.  I spoke directly to Alex and got a commitment that he would be at church early next week.  He confessed that he is usually the problem and agreed to be ready on time.  Later, he called to me as we were rehearsing.  He asked.  “Is your other half here today?”  I told him yes, Elder Pickup is here.  “Do you think he would teach me a lesson on  Family History?”  I assured him that Elder Pickup would be happy to help him and that he was in Priesthood meeting if he wanted to go and ask.  He didn’t move immediately but when I looked again, he was gone.  Ray seems to have a special connection with the youth.  Later, I found out that Alex did find him in Priesthood and they spent the rest of the meeting time working in the Family History center. 

 Victoria was there with her two children; MacKenzie and Paul.  As the children were dressing in their nativity outfits, MacKenzie was found running all around the chapel.  I stopped her and kindly explained that this was not recess or a gym.  She quickly said, Yes it is, see the  basketball hoop.  She was right but I explained that on Sundays this was a chapel where we worship.  She seemed to understand this and was well behaved the rest of the time.  Paul struggles more.  It is nearly impossible to have a reasoning conversation with him.  He pulls away and hides under the chairs, etc.  He did ask for paper and pencil so he could write down math problems. (remember he is only 5-6)  I was happy to provide. 

We stayed for “pass-a-dish and sat with Victoria, Paul, and MacKenzie.  Paul and I talked about food mostly.  And decided that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are delicious.  He invited me to his home for some.  (cute).  Then he told me about the toys he likes to play with.  Followed with “Will you come to my house and play”.  I responded that that sounded fun.  Next came the declaration that I was to come today.  I told him I wouldn’t be able to come today and he got a huge frown and told me I was no longer his friend.  I feel sad for these two little ones.  Mom is young and inexperienced.  She is quick to get after them and is at her wits end most of time.  The children seem starved for love.   I do love them but I worry that we will be leaving in 5 months and hope that a more stable friendship can develop in the Branch. 

Sunday evening we went with the Bonds to the Smith Farm for an ‘Old Fashioned Christmas’.  It was well presented.  We started in the Welcome Center with the Sister missionaries caroling then watch The Nativity.  We went to the log cabin where a missionary couple were dressed as Joseph and Lucy Smith.  They read Luke 2   Then we walked and caroled to the frame house and learned about the Christmas story from the book of Mormon.  Then more caroling and off to the barn where we learned a country dance.  Lastly, back to the basement of the Welcome Center for hot chocolate and cookies.  I remember feeling the Christmas spirit in the log house and a warm happiness throughout the evening. 

There were several young families in our group.  As we walked toward the refreshments, I wondered if there would be any spilled cocoa.  Sure enough as we were selecting our cookies, a young boy spilled his drink on his chair.  Dad was trying to clean it up and manage the other children as well.  I remember those days.  I grabbed some napkins and helped soak up the cocoa from the fabric. It did not take long and soon everyone was enjoying their treats. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Lost & Found, Kodak, Miracles, Nov. 27 - Dec. 9

Tuesday, Nov. 27th  Lost & Found

I lost my recommend last week.  I have determined that it probably went through the wash though I never have found any evidence.  We have looked everywhere and been back to the laundromat looking in and around everything.  When I spoke to President Kimbler, he directed me to get in touch with my Bishop and Stake President, do phone interview, then have them mail the signed recommend.  Once here the temple presidency could  I texted Bishop Erickson and set 10pm our time (8pm MST).  I also lost a name badge.  I went out to shovel snow and on my way back saw the back on the sidewalk by the front door.  I have looked everywhere for it but to know avail.  I have prayed about this but the heavens seem quiet on the matter so there must be something else to learn.
I approached President Miner this morning so he could look up to see if my recommend was still active.  In the course of asking, he said that he could issue a recommend so I was able to meet with him later in the shift.
I’m not sure if it was all these misplaced things, saying goodbye to Jennifer and Jessica, or just what, but my feelings were very fragile today and I struggled to get through the session as a follower.  Tears flowed from time to time.  Sister Seamons noticed and gave me a big hug. 
Then, as I was getting dressed, I discovered the back to my 2nd name badge was alone in my locker.  I looked for the front but to no avail.  Now I’m going to loose all my self control and over what! A silly name badge.  But somehow it weighed on my worth and abilities.  Oh my!
The blessings come.  As we got home, there was the errant badge on the edge of the parking lot.  I also came home with a current temple recommend and was able to cancel my appointment with my bishop. Ray took pity on my tender state and pampered me.  He also ordered me 3 new name badges.  :)
Things were better after an hour nap and the afternoon shift was joyful and a great improvement.  As I smiled at Sister Seamons, she said.  “Now there is your smile!”
It is wonderful to be surrounded by good friends.

 Wednesday, Nov. 28th

P-day at its finest.  Cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc.  

Saturday, Dec. 1st

Today I helped coordinate the afternoon shift at the temple for Sister Leavitt and Sister Underwood.  There was a bit of coordinating with Brother Stevenson the days ahead.  I thought to send the final schedule to my email and this turned out to be a blessings.  When I went to make copies in the office, I discovered that two of the sisters where assigned to work in the office making it necessary to re-do things and I was able to do this after getting the old schedule off my email.  Then It turned out that Sister Black came, whom I was not expecting.  In the end, everything worked out and I never felt frustrated or impatient with the changes.  I did, however, not schedule enough sisters to help in the baptistery and ended up doing a lot of the laundry myself toward the end of the shift.  I noticed that Sister Kimbler was teary today.  I hoped I was not the cause of her pain.  I got a chance to speak to her privately while folding cloths.  I was grateful to find out I had not offended her.  In the evening we attended Stake Conference.  We enjoyed the speakers and felt strengthened by their messages of truth and testimonies.  I also noticed how many attending were familiar faces; either as patrons or workers.  It was heart warming to realize I had met so many faithful saints.  As we were leaving we visited with President and Sister Kimbler.  Ray teased them a bit about being called to speak at the general session tomorrow morning.  We all smiled at the prospect. 
We saw many saints from the Hornell Branch today.  They have quite a drive and I felt a bit guilty for sleeping in but quickly realized that we make the trip every Sunday.  We did have quite a chuckle when President and Sister Kimbler were called to speak along with President and Sister Evans.  I’m sure those around us were wondering why we were so amused.  Afterward, Sister Kimbler invited us over for lunch.  So sweet and we cheerfully accepted.  On our way out of the parking lot we saw 4 Elders huddled in the cold around a sedan.  Realizing they were trying to change a tire we stopped to help.  It took some effort to get the lug nuts loose.  We got out the lug wrench with longer handles that we carry in the car and with two missionaries (one lifting and one pushing) they were finally able to make some progress.  It had rained so the ground was wet and dirty.  I got out the windshield cover so that Elder Blackham could get down and try to locate a spot of the jack.  The first spot failed do to rust and so out came the owners manual and finally a sturdy place was found though no one fully trusted it.  The switching of tires was fast.  Later we realized that the 4 Elders road with this sister to save miles to they had a vested interest in getting things fixed and back on the road.  Something for their journals. 
We had a pleasant visit and delicious meal with the Kimblers.  They are just so wonderful.
Monday, Dec. 3rd.  George Eastman Mansion & Red Robin
Ray was in charge of today’s activity, a Tour of the George Eastman Mansion. He made arrangements for a Docent on a Monday when they are usually closed. This was after reading on the website “Don’t even ask for Mondays.  We will ignore such requests.”  It was an informative tour and I gained a greater appreciation for his genius and innovation regarding photography.  He was generous, hard working, and loved his mother very much.  He never married.  But took good care of his employees and was generous with his donations.  I would have liked to explore his inventions more but the docent did not let us out of her sight,  so no lingering in an area or returning for closer looks.  Their fund raiser was a silent auction for gingerbread houses.   I found these fascinating and would have bid on one or two if I had time to consider them.  
We had lunch together at Red Robin.  A fun time with all.
Inside the Eastman Mansion

A pipe organ.  He actually had two!

Of course we needed a photo of the Library
Do you think they like the man?


We had a browning growing up

As first I thought these were spices.  Can you guess what they are?

My favorite! The last bid was $150

Red Robin

Tuesday, Dec. 4th
We officiated the 6am session this morning making for a long day as we also worked the am and pm shifts.
Sunday, Dec. 9th
It was fast and testimony meeting today.  Many beautiful testimonies.  Our worse fears about Len’s pay-as-you-go phone (tracphone).  He purchased 150 minutes and Helen reports that they are already all gone.  Helen is set on restoring their land line which seems wise.  The lesson in SS was on tithing.  Then I helped with the Christmas program in Primary.  It is coming together.  The leadership are set on the children and youth dressing in parts from the nativity.  I am not sure how I feel about it.  But will not interfere.  One YM, Alex, was being quite difficult,  He was the only youth there and was acting out.  I finally made him promise to not pester and make fun of his young brother.  Temptation overcame him a few times but I would just say “you promised” and he would stop. 
We experienced a miracle today.  As we headed home from church the tone rang in the car indicating that we were low on gas.  Well that happens when you have 50 miles of gas left.  Palmyra is 75 miles from Hornell.  What to do?  It was also the Ecumenical dinner today and we had to drive Helen home which is 20 miles out and then 20 miles back to Hornell.  We had not signed up to help with the dinner and the Branch has had great response with helpers.  As we left Helen we said a prayer and decided to head home asking the Lord to extend the miles so we would not have to stop and buy gas on Sunday.  Ray drove carefully.  The 0 miles warning came on 1 miles from Palmyra.  So we went 70 miles on 50 miles worth of gas.  And all this with poor gas mileage—22 MPG. I wasn’t surprised to go 5 more miles after the 0 notice but I was surprised to go 70 miles on the 50 mile warning.  So just how did we get home?  On a prayer and on faith and on the good graces of God. 
In the evening, we attend a Christmas Program at the Hill Cumorah Visitor Center.  It was fun to go with Bond’s and sit by the Marshalls.  We viewed the many Creche displayed.  Lovely done.  The program was diverse and interesting.  Some wonderful talent.  The band was unusual music and didn’t bring me the Christmas spirit but it was entertaining.  Afterward, we had hot chocolate with Bond’s and had a lovely visit.  They always uplift and strengthen us.  I made some cinnamon pull aparts from the frozen Rhode’s dough that turned out well.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thanksgiving, Temple, Niagara Falls, Nov. 20 - 26

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, Nov. 19th

Jennifer and Jessica’s #28 BD.  I am so blessed by their goodness. 
Workout at Silver Slippers then the gym.  Extra temple session today for the FT missionaries from the Rochester Mission who are going home tomorrow.  I visited with Sister Evans as she waited for everyone to get dressed.  She continues to amaze me by her joyful faith and love.
For FHE,  Sister and President Miner shared their life stories and then taught us about using this scripture, “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7.  President Miner taught us about the ‘secrets’ that have been revealed to President Nelson.  It was uplifting and a great approach.  Sister Titsworth and I had refreshments  She made pumpkin bread, I brought hot spicy apple cider.   

Tuesday, Oct. 20th

Two busy shifts today.  In the AM shift.  I substituted for Sister Sorenson who was out of town for Thanksgiving.  Her husband was there.  They are really excellent at coordinating and she made the schedule.  We had 3 living endowments and a living sealing with a skeleton  crew.  I watched the hand of the Lord helping to fill in the gaps.  All turned out well.  

Following the session I emailed Sister Sorenson,  "Things went very well today.  Not entirely as expected but all things got done.   The sisters were fantastic in adjusting cheerfully to changes here and there."  

Then her response.
Dear, dear Sister Pickup, 'Words cannot express my gratitude for your stepping in during my absence.  I knew I needed to be with my Dad at this time, so it was not exactly feelings of guilt, but I did feel apprehensive that I had left you with so few sisters to carry out the work.  Having you as my sub meant not only me away, but you out of the "lineup" as well.  Nevertheless, I had every confidence in your extraordinary ability to see what needs to be done in any situation and to see a clear and logical way to accomplish the task. Thank you, thank you again--and best wishes for a joyful Thanksgiving Day.  Even far away from your own family, I hope you will feel the value of your service to the Temple, the patrons, and to the Lord.

Dear Janet,
I am thrilled that I could help in any way I could to facilitate your being with your father.  Thank you for your trust in me. he Lord's work is amazing and His guidance sure.  I love watching His hand guide and gently nudge us in the direction He needs us to go. It was a wonderful and miraculous day.  I love your strength and testimony and the amazing way you share both with all of us at the temple.  
Enjoy your time with family and have a joyful Thanksgiving Love, Sister Pickup 

Wednesday, Nov. 21st

Jennifer studying the Book of Mormon
Today was full of preparations for Jennifer and Jessica’s visit and for Thanksgiving. I was assigned to bring rolls and a pie for dinner and any special family thanksgiving dish.  I decided to make rolls, buy a pie at Wegman’s and make a 7 layer green salad.
Jessica at Work
I started the rolls before cleaning the apartment but they still had not risen by the time I was finished.  Hours later they were till just balls.  Ray and I went shopping at Walmart and Wegman’s for a pie and a few other things.  I decided to buy some Rhodes frozen rolls just in case mine didn’t rise.To my surprise the rolls did rise before we got home and baked up nicely.  We settled on a pumpkin pie, hoping that there won’t be dozens of them tomorrow.

 Thursday, Nov. 22nd
Sleeping quarters

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Jennifer and Jessica arrived without trouble around 10am.  A joyful reunion.  We settled in at the apartment and made final preparations for dinner.  
Sporting Jessica's BD present
Around 1:30pm we loaded up and headed to the Stake Center.  The committee had done an outstanding job setting up.  The tables were decorated and food began to arrive in abundance. There were 6 tables with 8 settings.  But not 48 people came.  I felt a bit estranged as Jennifer, Jessica, Ray and I sat alone at our table.  After the prayer, Elder Bond came to the rescue and had us pull our two round tables together.  The Leavitts did the same so their family c

ould be together.  In the end it worked very nicely.  The Bond’s son, Jason, came from Manhattan.  We had a lovely visit with him and learned a few more details about happenings in NYC.  Barrett’s also sat with us.  Every bite was delicious and we left with our hearts and tummies full.

Friday, Nov. 23rd

at the Martin Harris Home
Jessica was anxious to go out on Black Friday so we got up around 5:30am and headed to Canandaigua to Joanns.  We chose this location because Sister Nichols who I work with at the temple works there and I was hoping to see her. To our amazement there were only 8-10 people in the store.  Not your typical Black Friday experience.  Jessica picked out some fabric for a quilt, then some quarters, embroidery thread and Christmas stockings.
Jennifer needed some shoes and a coat.  TJMaxx was next door so we walked over.   JCPennys was at the end of the strip mall so we figured we would go there next.  However, we passed a shoe store and ventured in.  I found a cute pair of winter boots to wear to the temple, Jennifer found 3 pairs of boots. Then to JCPennys.  The store was a little busier but not crazy.  Jennifer found a nice winter coat and a few other things.  I found a few things for Christmas. We were home by 9:30am.  A great morning.

Ray enjoying his BD present
After eating breakfast we went out on a little tour to see the canal and Martin Harris home. 
For Ray’s birthday, Jennifer wanted to give him a pedicure so we made appointments in Macedon and headed out.  It was a fun outing.  I had to smile as I looked down at Ray’s face.  Pure contentment as he got his feed rubbed.
Jennifer and Jessica came with us to the temple.  We were scheduled for the 6pm session but had a little time to work in initiatory at 5:30pm.  I asked Sister Seamons to take my post by the Endowment Room door so I could participate in Initiatory while the girls were there. She was more than willing and we had a marvelous and tender few moments together before heading on an overflowing session.  There were two sisters taking out their own endowments which added to the joy. 

Saturday, Nov. 24th

Ray and I worked both shifts today.  Jennifer and Jessica spent the day at church history sites, Sauders, It’s a Wonderful Life Museum, and Muranda’s Cheese Company.  They seemed to enjoy their day.

Sunday, Nov. 25th

At the Book of Mormon Publishing Site
Hooray!  Helen’s roof is fixed.  Such a relief to know their home will be dry.  Though I’m sure there are repairs on the inside, at least the water and snow will stay on the outside where they belong.  We checked and her hot water heater is also still working.
Right away, she asked Elder Pickup to take her to Walmart to buy a cell phone.  We were not comfortable shopping on Sunday.  Helen understood this.  On the way home, Ray discussed it with Len and made a plan to have Sister Harvey help them with it tomorrow.  Ray did some research and discovered a good option for them.
My lesson in SS was on honesty today.  It went well.  We showed two videos that I hope will help the class members feel strengthened to be honest in all their dealings.  It was fun to have Jennifer and Jessica in the class.  
The Stake YM Presidency and high counselor were visiting today.  We have a new Elder.  Elder Blackham and Elder Miller.  They spoke in Sac. Meeting.  I felt the strength of their testimonies and know they will help move the missionary work along in Hornell.

Niagara Falls, NY
Tour Gang

Monday, Nov. 26th

Today was a Niagara Falls tour with Brother Straussberg as our guide.  I loved seeing the falls from the US side and hope to go back in the spring.  It rained all day so this was a wet and umbrella driven tour.  Brother Straussberg lives in Niagara Falls and is very knowledgeable about the history, geography, and current events of the area.  I did not hear all he taught as I would hang back with Jennifer and Jessica as they took photos, etc.  But what I did hear was informative and fun.  We ate at  a Greek Restaurant, visited the Whirlpool Park, the Freedom Park, and an Italian Bakery.  We left just in time to get Jennifer and Jessica to the airport for their flight. 

A Rainy Day

Niagara River, 3 Sister Island

Freedom Crossing Monument

And all too soon, they are gone

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Amish, Birthday, and Snow, Nov. 6 - 19

Tuesday, Nov. 6th.

We arrived early to the temple today to help with the early morning session.  It is true that we will perform the ordinance to “the one” as we had only one patron come for the session.  These can be moving and uplifting sessions, however, the Lord would be more pleased should the chairs be full.

We worked two shifts today and rested between them.

Here is an article that I found interesting and have reflected on it several times.  It helps me look and behold the powerful work we are doing in the temple. 

Questions President Nelson's Grandfather Asked a Visitor from the Spirit World
This "precious gift" President Nelson shared was one his grandfather Andrew Clarence Nelson, or A.C. Nelson, shared with his family through his journal. 
Through this entry, President Nelson and his family were able to learn of a visitor from the spirit world his grandfather received 27 years before President Joseph F. Smith's 1918 vision of the redemption of the dead and gain important answers to what life after death is really like:
When my Grandfather A. C. Nelson was a young husband and father, just 27 years old, his father died. Then, about three months later, his father, now deceased, came to visit him. The date of that visit was the night of April 6, 1891. Grandfather Nelson was so impressed by his father's visit that he wrote the experience in his own journal for his family and his friends. And thanks to your encouragement, I took his journal entry and created this document and made copies of this document for every member of the family.
Listen to my grandfather's words about that sacred experience:
Amish Quilt
"I was in bed when Father entered the room. He came and sat on the side of the bed. He said, 'Well, my son, as I had a few spare minutes I received permission to come and see you for a few minutes. I am feeling well, my son, and have had very much to do since I died.'
"'What have you been doing since you died, Father?'
"'I've been traveling together with Apostle Erastus Snow ever since I died. That is, since three days after I died. I received my commission to preach the gospel. You cannot imagine, my son, how many spirits there are in the spirit world that have not yet received the gospel. But many are receiving it, and a great work is being accomplished. Many are anxiously looking forth to their friends who are still living to administer for them in the temples. I've been very busy preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.'
"'Father, can you see us at all times, and do you know what we're doing?'
"'Oh, no, my son. I have something else to do. I cannot go when and where I please. There is just as much and much more order here in the spirit world than in the other world. I have been assigned work to do, and it must be performed.'
"'We intend to go to the temple and get sealed to you, Father, as soon as we can.'
"'That, my son, is partly what I came to see you about. We will yet make a family and live throughout eternity.'
"'Father, is it natural to die?'
"'It is just as natural to die as it is to be born, or for you to pass out of that door.' And here he pointed at the door. 'When I told the folks that I could not last long, it turned dark and I could not see anything for a few minutes. Then the first thing I could see was a number of spirits in the spirit world. The paper you gave me, my son, is dated wrong. But it makes no particular difference. Correct records are kept here.'"
"'Father, is the gospel as taught by this Church true?'
"'My son, do you see that picture?' Pointing to a picture of the First Presidency of the Church hanging on the wall.
"'Yes, I see it.'
"'Just as sure as you see that picture, just as sure is the gospel true. The gospel of Jesus Christ has within it the power of saving every man and woman that will obey it, and in no other way can they ever obtain salvation in the kingdom of God. My son, always cling to the gospel. Be humble, be prayerful, be submissive to the priesthood, be true, be faithful to the covenants you have made with God. Never do anything that would displease God. Oh, what a blessing is the gospel. My son, be a good boy.'"

 Nov. 8th—18th


Silver Sneaker 
We are adjusting to a new schedule at the temple.  We have also started exercising with the Bonds at the Palmyra Community Center on MWF.  We look forward to this Silver Sneaker class and feel the instructors do a good job of getting us moving and working all our muscles.  One morning we stayed and road the bikes in the workout center.  We bought a membership and hope to use this to keep us in better shape through the winter.

Helen’s roof did not get finished this week.  Her husband, Len, had some concerns that halted things plus the weather has been snowy and cold.  Ray offered to discuss things with Len and he was willing to come to the door when we dropped Helen off.  Their conversation was very productive and I was proud of how Ray was able to communicated with Len and answer his concerns.  In the end, I think the project will move forward if weather permits.

Beautiful Amish Bench
Monday, Nov. 12th 

We had an outing to the Amish Country Store with lunch at the Oak Hill CafĂ©.   It was a beautiful day, sunny and cool.  It wasn’t as informative as I had hoped.  Pauline was friendly but didn’t really have a structured tour.  We shopped and looked at quilts then went outside for a buggy ride and to look at the chickens.  I think some missionaries were bored but overall we enjoyed the day.  Lunch was delicious.   I had the squash soup and BLT.  Ray had a beef sandwich and hot cocoa.    On the way home we stopped to peak in the window at the Hemdale dairy.  They have automated milking machines and the cows lay on water mats. 

Amish Marble Toy
Elder Pickup driving the cart with Pauline
Elder Pickup driving with Pauline
Amish Horse and Carriage along the Highway
Hot Cocoa - yummy

Wed., Nov. 14th  - Let winter begin

Friday, Nov. 16

Ray’s birthday was busy with Dr. Appt. and PT.  We did manage to eat some birthday cake before heading to the temple.  Sean called as we were getting ready to leave and joined in the birthday song.  I took the cake to the temple.  President and Sister Miner loved the frosting.  I have to say it was one of the better German chocolate frostings I have made.  I promised Ray a second cake so I made one after our temple shifts on Saturday.
I must have been a bit tired because I added the can of evaporated milk to the cake mix (instead of the frosting) and did not realize it until I mixed it together and found it quite runny.  At first I thought it was the extra egg whites I added (from the frosting eggs) but soon realized the error.  I added a 1/4 cup of flour and hoped for the best.  The cake turned out eatable though it took almost 20 extra minutes to cook in the middle.  The frosting was again very yummy.
Snow fall during the night

This week was busy at the temple.  Several own endowment sessions, baptisms, and unexpected things.  I was able to help in the office from time to time which I also enjoy.

On Friday morning we woke up to 14 inches of snow.  Yes, that is accurate 14 inches.  We were amazed at the amount as we shoveled out the car.  School was cancelled and the children were busy playing on the mountain of snow in the corner of the parking lot.  All that snow in just one storm.  We are in for a long winter. 
All in one snow storm
Local children playing on snow pile
Finding the car under all that snow
When we got back from appointments, on Friday, the cleared parking spaces were all occupied.  Ray had another errand to run so I decided I would clear off a parking spot.  14 inches of snow the size of a parking space takes a bit of effort.  I was just finishing and debating about tackling the remaining two spots that were about half filled when a pickup with a snow plow pulled up.  It was the owner of the end business building.  He had an office on the 2nd floor and were working at preparing the first floor for a business.  He was so friendly and surprised that we lived right there.  I think he was wondering what this old lady was doing shoveling the parking lot.  He was not responsible for clearing our lot but offered to push the last of the snow for me.  I was grateful as I was tired and sweaty. 
Happy Birthday Elder Pickup
Happy Birthday

Sunday, November 18

After church today, we had a thanksgiving “dish-to-pass”  It was wonderful food.  I helped wash dishes afterward while Ray vacuumed.  The sisters kept talking about how he could vacuum while holding Scotty (President Petriatis’s three month old)  First they were amazed that he would vacuum let along hold a child while he did it.  They thought only mothers could multitask in such a way.  I just had to smile.

It is tradition to read from the Book of Mormon on the way to church, then another book on the way home.  We read from Saints today.

Wednesday, Nov. 7th

We were able to visit with Holly, Anna, Nora, Zane, and Lyla last night as we were preparing to bed.  It was such a joy to hear their voices and get caught up on their lives and goals. 

Holly shared about how our 8 daughters as part of their time together last weekend went to the temple and they thought of me and how this would bring joy to my heart.  I am so grateful for any good influence I have had but recognize that the influence of heaven and of the spirit is truly what is necessary to bind us to each other, to the temple and ultimately to our heavenly home.

St. George Temple 2018
Kristi, Holly, Jennifer, Samantha, Jessica, Rachel, Brenda, Sharee