Tuesday, Nov. 27th Lost & Found
I lost my recommend last week. I have determined that it probably went through the wash though I never have found any evidence. We have looked everywhere and been back to the laundromat looking in and around everything. When I spoke to President Kimbler, he directed me to get in touch with my Bishop and Stake President, do phone interview, then have them mail the signed recommend. Once here the temple presidency could activate.it. I texted Bishop Erickson and set 10pm our time (8pm MST). I also lost a name badge. I went out to shovel snow and on my way back saw the back on the sidewalk by the front door. I have looked everywhere for it but to know avail. I have prayed about this but the heavens seem quiet on the matter so there must be something else to learn.
I approached President Miner this morning so he could look up to see if my recommend was still active. In the course of asking, he said that he could issue a recommend so I was able to meet with him later in the shift.
I’m not sure if it was all these misplaced things, saying goodbye to Jennifer and Jessica, or just what, but my feelings were very fragile today and I struggled to get through the session as a follower. Tears flowed from time to time. Sister Seamons noticed and gave me a big hug.
Then, as I was getting dressed, I discovered the back to my 2nd name badge was alone in my locker. I looked for the front but to no avail. Now I’m going to loose all my self control and over what! A silly name badge. But somehow it weighed on my worth and abilities. Oh my!
The blessings come. As we got home, there was the errant badge on the edge of the parking lot. I also came home with a current temple recommend and was able to cancel my appointment with my bishop. Ray took pity on my tender state and pampered me. He also ordered me 3 new name badges. :)
Things were better after an hour nap and the afternoon shift was joyful and a great improvement. As I smiled at Sister Seamons, she said. “Now there is your smile!”
It is wonderful to be surrounded by good friends.
Wednesday, Nov. 28th
P-day at its finest. Cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc.
Saturday, Dec. 1st
Today I helped coordinate the afternoon shift at the temple for Sister Leavitt and Sister Underwood. There was a bit of coordinating with Brother Stevenson the days ahead. I thought to send the final schedule to my email and this turned out to be a blessings. When I went to make copies in the office, I discovered that two of the sisters where assigned to work in the office making it necessary to re-do things and I was able to do this after getting the old schedule off my email. Then It turned out that Sister Black came, whom I was not expecting. In the end, everything worked out and I never felt frustrated or impatient with the changes. I did, however, not schedule enough sisters to help in the baptistery and ended up doing a lot of the laundry myself toward the end of the shift. I noticed that Sister Kimbler was teary today. I hoped I was not the cause of her pain. I got a chance to speak to her privately while folding cloths. I was grateful to find out I had not offended her. In the evening we attended Stake Conference. We enjoyed the speakers and felt strengthened by their messages of truth and testimonies. I also noticed how many attending were familiar faces; either as patrons or workers. It was heart warming to realize I had met so many faithful saints. As we were leaving we visited with President and Sister Kimbler. Ray teased them a bit about being called to speak at the general session tomorrow morning. We all smiled at the prospect.
We saw many saints from the Hornell Branch today. They have quite a drive and I felt a bit guilty for sleeping in but quickly realized that we make the trip every Sunday. We did have quite a chuckle when President and Sister Kimbler were called to speak along with President and Sister Evans. I’m sure those around us were wondering why we were so amused. Afterward, Sister Kimbler invited us over for lunch. So sweet and we cheerfully accepted. On our way out of the parking lot we saw 4 Elders huddled in the cold around a sedan. Realizing they were trying to change a tire we stopped to help. It took some effort to get the lug nuts loose. We got out the lug wrench with longer handles that we carry in the car and with two missionaries (one lifting and one pushing) they were finally able to make some progress. It had rained so the ground was wet and dirty. I got out the windshield cover so that Elder Blackham could get down and try to locate a spot of the jack. The first spot failed do to rust and so out came the owners manual and finally a sturdy place was found though no one fully trusted it. The switching of tires was fast. Later we realized that the 4 Elders road with this sister to save miles to they had a vested interest in getting things fixed and back on the road. Something for their journals.
We had a pleasant visit and delicious meal with the Kimblers. They are just so wonderful.
Monday, Dec. 3rd. George Eastman Mansion & Red Robin
Ray was in charge of today’s activity, a Tour of the George Eastman Mansion. He made arrangements for a Docent on a Monday when they are usually closed. This was after reading on the website “Don’t even ask for Mondays. We will ignore such requests.” It was an informative tour and I gained a greater appreciation for his genius and innovation regarding photography. He was generous, hard working, and loved his mother very much. He never married. But took good care of his employees and was generous with his donations. I would have liked to explore his inventions more but the docent did not let us out of her sight, so no lingering in an area or returning for closer looks. Their fund raiser was a silent auction for gingerbread houses. I found these fascinating and would have bid on one or two if I had time to consider them.
We had lunch together at Red Robin. A fun time with all.
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Inside the Eastman Mansion |
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A pipe organ. He actually had two! |
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Of course we needed a photo of the Library |
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Do you think they like the man? |
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Inventions |
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We had a browning growing up |
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As first I thought these were spices. Can you guess what they are? |
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My favorite! The last bid was $150 |
We officiated the 6am session this morning making for a long day as we also worked the am and pm shifts.
Sunday, Dec. 9th
It was fast and testimony meeting today. Many beautiful testimonies. Our worse fears about Len’s pay-as-you-go phone (tracphone). He purchased 150 minutes and Helen reports that they are already all gone. Helen is set on restoring their land line which seems wise. The lesson in SS was on tithing. Then I helped with the Christmas program in Primary. It is coming together. The leadership are set on the children and youth dressing in parts from the nativity. I am not sure how I feel about it. But will not interfere. One YM, Alex, was being quite difficult, He was the only youth there and was acting out. I finally made him promise to not pester and make fun of his young brother. Temptation overcame him a few times but I would just say “you promised” and he would stop.
We experienced a miracle today. As we headed home from church the tone rang in the car indicating that we were low on gas. Well that happens when you have 50 miles of gas left. Palmyra is 75 miles from Hornell. What to do? It was also the Ecumenical dinner today and we had to drive Helen home which is 20 miles out and then 20 miles back to Hornell. We had not signed up to help with the dinner and the Branch has had great response with helpers. As we left Helen we said a prayer and decided to head home asking the Lord to extend the miles so we would not have to stop and buy gas on Sunday. Ray drove carefully. The 0 miles warning came on 1 miles from Palmyra. So we went 70 miles on 50 miles worth of gas. And all this with poor gas mileage—22 MPG. I wasn’t surprised to go 5 more miles after the 0 notice but I was surprised to go 70 miles on the 50 mile warning. So just how did we get home? On a prayer and on faith and on the good graces of God.
In the evening, we attend a Christmas Program at the Hill Cumorah Visitor Center. It was fun to go with Bond’s and sit by the Marshalls. We viewed the many Creche displayed. Lovely done. The program was diverse and interesting. Some wonderful talent. The band was unusual music and didn’t bring me the Christmas spirit but it was entertaining. Afterward, we had hot chocolate with Bond’s and had a lovely visit. They always uplift and strengthen us. I made some cinnamon pull aparts from the frozen Rhode’s dough that turned out well.
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