Sunday, September 30, 2018

Steps, Pears, and Flowers, Sept. 17 - 22

Steps before

Sunday, September 16th

We didn’t help with lessons today but I did go into Primary the last hour and helped with the children and played for singing time.
After church, Rachel Petraitis mentioned that she had pears.  A box full in her car that Pres. Petraitis had brought home thinking she could can them.  But she had been ill and with a new born and a 2 year old I could tell she was overwhelmed by the thought and was hoping to just give them all away.
The thought came to me that I would have time this week to help so I offered to take them home and can them for her.  

It reminded me of the summer Sharee got married.  We were making preparations to travel to Utah both for their reception and to help them move in and get settled for school.  As the time got closer to leaving I became concerned with the volume of pears still ripening and knew I could not get them canned before we left and that they would be over ripe by our return.  
Jennifer and Jessica were not going with us as soccer practice had started.  I remember calling them as we were driving to let them know that they could feed the pears to the cows.  I heard this long pause on the other end and with a little disgust I heard "Mom! we know how to can pears.  We will do them, no worries."  I was so grateful for their willingness.  An amazing response from 16 year olds!  
Repairs underway

Monday, September 17

We spent the morning tracking down canning supplies, then headed to Lowe’s for boards and on to Wayland to Helen’s home. We called to let her know we were coming and spoke to Len (Leonard), her husband, who warned us that the momma cat had brought her babies and were hiding under the stairs.  Maybe we didn’t want to come for fear of disrupting the cats.  We went anyway. 
The kittens were 4-5 weeks old and active enough to be moved about so we coaxed them out and began to work.  I could tell that Leonard and Helen were a bit anxious about us working on things but Ray soon won Len over.  We reclaimed all the wood we could and were able to sure up the runners.  In the end we left them with safe & sturdy steps.  They really did look nice and she was simply thrilled.  We cleaned up our mess and put away tools we borrowed. 

Happy Helen

Our new friends, Helen & Leonard
We had borrowed a drill/driver set from President Petraitis and returned it.  I had struggled do find a canner so Rachel went looking again in her basement.  She came up with the rack that goes inside so I took it and determined to stop at Goodwill for the canner pot I had seen earlier that was missing the rack.  So in the end I had everything I needed.


In our element, 21 quarts total

Tuesday, September 18

Canning Pears
Day canning pears with Sister Julie Bond.  So sweet of her to help me.  

Love to look at these. 
Left them on the counter for several days.

Wednesday, September 19

It was nice to be back in the temple, if only to clean.  I soon found myself on hands and knees wiping the wood baseboards all around the entry.  They needed a little more than just a dusting so this took some time.  When I got to the recommend desk I decided the drawers and cupboards needed a good cleaning.  A brother had wiped them out but had not thrown out old stuff or cleaned off old labels and tape.  I called the assistant to the Matron to see what she wanted done.  She asked that the labels be removed and old magazines, extra pens & pencils, old documents, etc. be thrown out.  This took a while and I fear the brother who had done what he thought was needed felt badly.  I wasn’t sure how to handle this but kept at the task until all corners were clean and neat. 
Even then, we were finished before 11am and the sister organizing our efforts had run out of tasks.  I could see lots of things that needed to be done so I offered to polish the furniture.  She seemed grateful and I was soon waxing and shining the chairs and credenzas stored in closets and bathrooms.  The marble floors had been cleared to be polished.  I caught sight of a ‘buffer’ like the ones I used growing up but wasn't’ brave enough to see if I could still control one.  There was a day when I could direct it with just a few fingers.  But the last thing I wanted to do was ruin a wall in the temple. 
Ray worked on the baptistery rubber tiles used for draining water.  This consisted of pulling them up, taking them outside to be pressure washed, scrubbing the tile underneath them and then replacing them all.  This was quite time consuming and hard work.
The changing of the flowers.  It takes a bunch!
Others in the group dusted flowers and plants, rolled up carpet, removed furniture, cleaned out the cupboards in the office, etc.  All the while, the professionals were there shampooing carpet.  As well as the landscapers replacing the summer flowers with fall mums.  I’m telling you there were thousands of mum plants.  The carts full lined the whole length of the parking lot.  I was amazed.  They have not bloomed yet and I am anxious to see their full color.  Pansies were planted around the edges.
By the time we got home our mood and spirits had improved.  What a blessing is service and the temple.

The new look.  The blooms will be gorgeous on all those mums.

Friday, Sept. 21

Took a bike ride to the Sacred Grove.  Found this unique mushroom growing on, as expected, the north side of this tree. I think they are called "Turkey Tails"  (trametes versacolor)
It's not hard to see why

Nature's Best at the Sacred Grove

Saturday, Sept. 22

Back to the temple to help with final preparations.  We were asked to help laundering.   I did my usual folding of clothing and towels.  Then I noticed the closets in the locker rooms had been missed so I cleaned them out and straightened the things stored there. We finished around 1pm. 

Our good friends, Jerald & Kathy Tolman
 These fine folks grew tomatoes this summer.  I was the happy recipient of several dozen.

And, yes, they are related to Holly.  :)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Temple(s) Trip, Sept 11th - 15th

Great seats at Fenway Park

Tuesday, September 11th

We loaded up in Barlow’s car and headed out around 8am.  It was a pleasant day with good conversation and comforts of every kind.

We arrived in Boston with only one turn around.  We quickly settled into our rooms and prepared for the adventure at Fenway Park.

The Red Sox were playing the Toronto Blue Jays.  

There was an excitement about the place.  Crews were prepping the field, players were hitting balls, etc.  The seats are small and crowded but we got along remarkable well. me some peanuts and cracker jacks....
The game was slow at first, as games sometimes are.  The Blue Jays scored 2 points causing some angst.  Lots of changing pitchers on both sides.  Finally, the Red Sox began to score.  A 3 RBI home run and the Red Sox were well on their way to a win.  We got to experience the 7th inning stretch and had a wonderful time. The forecast said 80% chance of rain, but the weather was perfect.

Wednesday, September 12th

USS Constitutions - Old Iron Sides
We rode the  Old Town Boston Trolley for the whole tour which took almost 2 hours.  Our driver was excellent; a native of Boston and passionate about sharing the ins and outs of the city.  She was fun and easy to listen too.  

We stayed on the trolley to go to the USS Constitution ship “Old Iron Sides”.  I loved every moment of this.  Ships are fascinating to me and I was thrilled to be on one that was over 200 years old and had served faithfully.  

It started raining while we were there so out came the umbrellas and rain jackets.  We stayed dry and comfortable.  

"One if by land...two if by sea"
The church windows are now surrounded
by buildings but once were on the harbor
Every year the constitution is read
from the same balcony where it was originally read in Boston 
The "Red Line"  sometimes brick, sometimes painted
We got on the next Trolley to go back into town.  Just a note here.  The trolley driver we had 2nd was OK but was monotone and hard to understand making us grateful for our previous experience.  The 3rd drive was down right awful.  He made light of things and was self absorbed.  Quick to tell us he had been a Chippendale dancer but slow to share meaningful insight on the powerful events in Boston history.  He was rude and disrespectful and we were even more grateful for our original driver. 
Boston Skyline
Harbor Cruise with our good friends, Lorraine & Dave Barlow

We quickly walked through the Old State House.  Time was ticking and we were debating on the Harbor Cruise because of the rain but in the end decided to give it a try.  

We walked down to the pier arriving about 30 minutes before we needed to board so we headed to a nearby diner for a quick bite.  Clam Chowder and Lobster rolls filled our stomachs and emptied our pockets.  The waitress was quick and efficient and we were able to leave in plenty of time for the boat ride.

The weather cleared and after wiping down wet chairs we settled into a comfortable and informative ride around the harbor.  The guide spoke clearly and gave wonderful insights about the events in the history of Boston.  We learned about the landfill that extended the city (on all tours actually) and marveled at the man made intuition and projects around us.
I wanted to see the Faneuil Hall so we walked back, stopping at a Dunkin Donuts for some refreshment.  (OK I’m not kidding, there is a Dunkin Donuts every few feet in Boston)  Faneuil Hall was closed when we arrived but we spent a few minutes watching a printing press demonstration,  walked through the food court, resisting the many wonderful things to eat then caught a  taxi back to the hotel and settled into our beds.

Thursday, Sept. 13th

Unique plant at the Boston Temple
We left around 8am on our way to he Boston Temple.

On the grounds was a beautiful plant with large trumpet looking flowers hanging.  I understand that the plant has to be brought in over the winter.  Very unique.
Boston Temple

Image result for boston temple celestial room
The celestial room was beautiful and I noticed right way that it did not have a large center chandelier like we are accustomed to but rather many smaller chandeliers circling the room.  It was a unique design; restful, beautiful, peaceful, and majestic.

From the temple we stopped by Cambridge to visit Barlow’s niece.  She is the mother of 3 small daughters and her husband is going to school at Harvard.  She met us in the parking lot long enough of introductions, hugs, and brownies.  

Hartford, Conn. Temple
with my sweet friend, Lorraine
We headed to Hartford, Conn.  About 2 hours away.  The Hotel was delightful.  Clean, fresh, friendly, well decorated.  We had plenty of time to check in and get settled and then headed to the temple.  We had planned to go by the Wilford Wilford Monument but we took a bad turn and felt we didn’t leave enough time.  It was dark when we came out of the temple.  A beautiful night.  We recognized the Del Carlo’s truck in the parking lot and left them a note.  I think Dave wanted to go somewhere for dinner but we elected to head back to the hotel and order in food instead.  We were ready for some rest and relaxation
Hartford Temple after our session.

Friday, Sept. 14

Our next stop was the Manhattan Temple.  Throughout the trip we relied on google Maps to navigate the unfamiliar territory.  It served us well and we were extremely grateful for it as we head for New York City.  Dave was particularly nervous about driving in and out of Manhattan. 
Entrance to the Manhattan Temple
It was helpful to have google maps but it was also helpful that Ray and I had been there several times before.  We easily found the parking garage under the temple.  Dave was nervous about them parking his car.  He and the attendant misunderstood each other causing some feelings that Dave worked hard to shake off before we went to the temple.  I asked about price—$50— however if I could get a coupon…...More about that later.
The year we took our trip with Jennifer & Jessica
We entered the beautiful doors from the street.  Then headed up to the temple on the 4th floor.  Some things looked familiar from when we were there in 2004. We dressed and waiting in the small chapel.  Barlow’s had been the witness couple both in Boston and Hartford so we waited to see if they would be 3 for 3 but another younger couple were asked.  The Manhattan temple is beautiful with beehive and flame accents here and there.  I felt particularly peaceful and close to the spirit in the Celestial Room.  I admired the beauty both physically and spiritually.  I could have stayed there the rest of the day.

Related imageOn the way out I found Ray near the baptistery.  I walked up the stairs to the font and turned around to see a huge mural of Joseph Smith baptizing Oliver Cowdery.  

My heart was touched and the spirit sweetly reminded me of the truth of the restored priesthood power and the importance of the ordinance of baptism for the living and the dead.

Manhattan Chapel.
The artist is a local Bishop.  
We stopped to visit the public relation office, the distribution center, and the chapel/church floors.  There we saw some beautiful paintings of scenes from the Book of Mormon.  They were painted by a local bishop, Walter Rane. I love his work.

At the Public Relations Office we met the director who Katy (Dave & Lorraine’s daughter) had interned with one summer.  He sat and visited with us then helped to print a coupon for the parking. Taking the price from $50 to $28.  However, when we tried to use it there was a 30 minute delay before it was activated.  So we took a stroll down to Magnolia Bakery hoping to get a sandwich but, alas, all they had were deserts.  So we had a desert lunch: key lime pie, brownie.  You know….things like that.  The coupon was active when we returned and we spent the next few hours crossing through the Lincoln tunnel and getting past the NJ traffic. 
Dessert Lunch at Magnolia Bakery, NYC

We arrived at our hotel in Yardley, Penn. around 6pm then dinner at Tony Romas  It was good to have a great sit down meal and not all the junk food we had eaten along the way.


Saturday, September 15th

Image result for philadelphia lds temple
Philadelphia Temple
We left the hotel a little before 8am and parked at the temple about 8:20am.  Barlow’s got lost getting from the parking garage to the temple and I had determined we had missed the session and we would do initiatory until the 10am session.  However, the temple workers had other ideas.  When we finally all found each other at the chapel, the temple worker opened the session doors and we were invited into the session even though they had started.  It was about 10 minutes late.  I was so embarrassed. I silently prayed for a new heart.  I could imagine the patrons annoyed by the delay which made it difficult to focus on the ordinance.  The temple was beautiful and lovely.  The workers kind and patient but I felt such turmoil in my heart.  I worked and worked at overcoming it and finally calmed down enough to participate in the prayer circle.  This helped.  As I approached the veil I was overcome with emotion.  And during part of the dialogue I completely broke down.  I don’t think I can express those feelings well.  A mixture of insecurity, gratitude humility, and weariness.  But I did gain enough strength to keep my chin up the remainder of the day. 

Stratton, NY at the home where Elder Barlow lived
 as a young missionary some 50+ years ago. 
Still standing and familiar.  He was so excited to return.
  As we were navigating home to Palmyra, Dave realized that we would be going past Stratton, NY where he had served as a young missionary.  We made a detour and visited his old apartment then had a great lunch at a deli downtown.  This seemed to lift all our spirits.

We made it home!  The view out our front door. 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sunsets and NY State Fair, Aug 26 - Sept. 1

Erie Canal Bike Ride at Sunset

August 26 - Sunday
We enjoyed a wonderful worship service today.  After church, President Petraitis asked to speak to me.  He extended a call to serve in the Primary 3rd hour to help with the music.  When I asked if I would be playing the piano or leading, he said “yes”.  I spoke with the Primary president later in the day and she basically said I would help out when needed.  This next week I will come in the 3rd hour and play.  This will help me see how things work here.  It’s a little different when there are so few in the Primary. I hope I can be of some help.

In the evening we invite the new missionary couple, Dale & Julie Bond over for dinner.  We served steak, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes.  They are a delightful couple and will be moving into Barber’s apartments in a few weeks.  We invited Barbers to join us for strawberry shortcake afterwards and had another joyful conversation.

August 31st—Friday     - NY State Fair  

We went with Lindsay’s to the NY State Fair today.  It was a pleasant outing with excellent, cool, cloudy weather and lots of fun things to see and experience.  Here is a list of a few things we did
Adorable girl with her cow

* Poultry Building: roosters, geese, ducks, hens, rooster cock-a-doodle-do contest,
* Birds of Prey
* Horticulture Building: potatoes, bees, honey, maple syrup, shoe polish, landscaping, gladiolus contest
I remember my brother-in-law, George Stoddard with a similar bee hive in their home. 
* Car rolling demonstration by the State Police
* Beef Building: hay throwing contest (Ray 2nd place), no Herefords today
2nd Place, only a few inches behind the winner
* Cow birthing building: no cows quite ready to deliver
* Feeding the Giraffe
Not quite the Out of Africa experience but lots of fun with my dear fried, Karen Lindsay
* Sand Sculpture -- All things New York
Can you sense the dimensions of this mountain of sand?
Front of the sand sculpture
The details were amazing
I had to chuckle at the little footprints crossing the stream. 
I'm sure some mother was scolding a little one who crossed the barrier to get a better look.
* Lunch: Prime Rib Sandwich & Lemonade
* Johnny Cash impersonator Concert (I remembered that I never really liked his music.)  We didn't stay very long
* Water Rescue demonstration by the State Police
* Dairy Building: ice cream, butter sculpture
A life size butter sculpture that rotated. 
Kept inside a refrigerated glass case.

A perfect ending to a great day at the Fair
one giant elephant ear to end a great day