Sunday, August 19 - Church & Dinner Guests
I taught the lesson in Gospel Principles on Faith. I felt it went well. I shared with the class how I had thought of them earlier that week when I was reading about Ammon’s impression of King Lamoni’s wife, the queen and her great faith. The saints in the Hornell Ward are rich with faith and I love that about them.
After church was the “Pass-a-dish”. A potluck. We had forgotten about it and didn’t have anything to share but we stayed anyways. There is a new member of the branch. A single mom with two children. A girl and a boy. We sat with them and had a wonderful visit. Soon I was at another table, coloring with the kids to help pass the time.
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Enjoying the day with Sean, Rachel and her family |
Around 5pm I was walking to next door when I heard my name. I turned around and there was Sean, Rachel and her family heading to the Grandin Building. "Not so fast" I said and got in a few good hugs before they disappeared. I returned to the apartment to make final preparations for dinner. We managed to fit all 10 of us around the kitchen table. We laughed and talked and had a delightful hour together. All too soon it was time for them to leave. They had one more stop before heading to their rented home.
Monday, August 20—Niagara Falls
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Niagara Falls aboard the Whistle Blower |
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Horse Shoe Falls - we are a little wet |
We ate at a lovely restaurant overlooking Niagara Falls then walked down to ride the Hornblower boat up to the Falls. It was windy and a little wet along the bath. Ray bought me a cap for a few dollars which kept my hair from frizzing out. The boat ride was fun and wet. Impressive to be up close though you lost sight of the falls due to the heavy mist. We walked back, ate an ice cream cone, then took a trip out to the Niagara Park Butterfly Conservatory.
Niagara Falls Park
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Can you find the bee? |
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How about here? |
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Niagara Park - Find the brown squirrel |
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Niagara Park - find the black squirrel |
Tuesday, August 21 - Perfect Day in the temple #1
There are times when you feel in a slump. Today began that way. As I said my morning prayers, I asked the Lord to send me peace and joy, while acknowledging His many blessings and tender mercies through out my life.
Sean had missed packing a white shirt so I called Elder Bayles and he responded so beautifully. Excited that he could be of service. I was so grateful for his kindness and generosity.
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Sister and Elder Bayles |
We left the shirt in the apartment with a key in the mailbox and headed for our shift at 12pm.
The Embley’s, Rachel & Sean were finishing their vacation with a trip to the Whitmer Farm this morning and then they planned to drop Sean & Rachel off for the 3pm session,
I felt a sweet spirit today in the temple. An answered prayer. At 2:30pm I took my assignment to prepare for the endowment session at 3pm. I was eagerly anticipating getting to share this sweet experience with Sean & Rachel. The minutes ticked by and they did not arrive. As 3pm neared my heart began to break. I was not upset just disappointed. I knew they were traveling with others and did not have control of the time. But still, I felt so sad. I closed my eyes and said a rather selfish prayer. With just a few minutes left before the session started, I plead with the Lord to somehow make it possible for them to arrive. Just as Ray and I were ready to step into the Endowment room and begin the session, Rachel appeared around the corner and with joy and tears I watched time stand still as they quickly changed, used the bathroom and entered the session less than 5 minutes after 3pm. My heart swelled with joy as I felt a deep love toward Sean. I looked at Rachel, his beautiful eternal companion and felt overwhelmed at the great miracle that allowed them to be with me this day. They were the witness couple which only added to the tender feelings.
During the sealing session, Rachel did not feel well. Elder Stevens was the sealer and I was so grateful that he recognized her paleness and sent me to the kitchen for some water and crackers. This was just enough to revive her and we were able to complete our work.
To add to the joy, if that is even possible, Ray had a few ‘Pickup” names to be sealed. So here we are, Brother and Sister Pickup, and Brother Pickup sealing a son Pickup to his dad Pickup and to his mother. Oh my, I do not think this happens often.
Sean and Rachel left and made some visits while we finished our shift with love and joy in our hearts.
Wednesday, August 22 - Perfect Day in the temple #2
Rachel and Sean seemed to fair well in our makeshift bed (couches pushed together with a mattress on top). We had a lovely breakfast of pancakes and eggs and then went for a quick walk along the Erie Canal. We showered quickly, got dressed for our temple shift, loaded up their suitcases and headed for the airport. We were less than enthusiastic to see them go. Rachel wanted to stay longer, we wanted them to stay longer….no one was happy. But it had to be done and off they went to return to Arizona only to then make the drive to Flagstaff today and the long drive to Prove tomorrow. We will pray them safely home.
After getting home from the temple yesterday I busied myself with some family history work that I had not been able to get to for a few days. I discovered some families and prepared them for the temple. Some were just needing sealing work but there were 5 baptisms to do. Imagine the joy when I entered the temple and discovered I was assigned, first thing, to the baptistery. But that isn’t always a guarantee that your names will get done. As I was helping distribute clothing, the oldest sibling stated that she was endowed and unable to be baptized because they did not bring any family names. I was quick to remedy that and she accepted the invitation to complete my family file names. Then we discovered that this were the grandchildren of Elder and Sister Buchanan who serve in the Hornell Branch. “There are no coincidences in the temple”. I was scheduled to be a patron on a session and found that I had some time before so I went to initiatory and completed the work for these 3 women. Then someone asked for a name to take on the session so two of them had their endowment work completed as well. I had been up after midnight printing their cards. So for two of these women the cards were printed and all their ordinances completed on the same day. I hope that they will recognize the significance of this little miracle and willingly accept the truths of the gospel as they are taught in the spirit world.
Friday, August 24 - Grateful for good health
Our normal routine followed today: cleaning, laundry, shopping. With one twist. I had an appointment with a GYN in Newark. So after the laundry was done and Ray on his way to shop, I biked over to the clinic near the hospital. I was about an hour early but waited patiently for my appointment time. The doctor was very direct, yet kind. He adjusted the treatments. Before leaving, he complemented me on how well I had taken care of myself having had 8 children and all. I responded that he was kind to say so and he quickly said “I do not compliment my patients ever.” I guess I left a good impression. As he was leaving, he stepped back into the room to say “And another thing. You must have a great Doctor in Logan. Not many would have directed you to seek follow up in the year you are here. Most doctors would have simply said. “See you next year”. I left smiling at the good things in my life and the blessing of obedience to the Lord's law of health.
Saturday, August 25—Temple lesson “Forbid them Not”

The apostles, trying to protect the Savior, had instructed the moms and children to come to see Him another time. The Savior admonished “Forbid them not”. Through out the scriptures the Savior continually invites all to “Come unto Him”.
I wondered how we might be guilty, like the apostles of preventing patrons or ourselves from fully coming unto the Savior.
I could hear the Savior plead with me to
· Forbid them not to enter (avoid being judgmental)
· Forbid them not if they are late (I thought of Sean and Rachel earlier this week and how we would have missed some tender moments together)
· Forbid them not to hesitate (Often pauses are special spiritual moments, not forgetfulness)
· Forbid them not to linger (have I hoped a patron would quickly leave the Celestial Room so I could move on or go home)
· Forbid them not to take time (whether recording, baptizing, dressing, preforming sealings, initiatory, etc. Do we forbid others to come unto Christ and feel His spirit when we are impatient, hasty, or in any way concerned about the minutes ticking by. Elder Curtis make a statement once that in the temple “Haste is the enemy”. I have seen how this is true in many situations.)
· Forbid them not to lead. (We should cheerfully follow those who so faithfully fulfill assignments as coordinators and leaders. They may do things different than we would but it does not matter. Perhaps if we try to impose our own way we are forbidding them their own spiritual experiences and growth.)
It continues to be my experience and testimony that as we stay out way that things will work out, the spirit will teach, often better than how our simple minds might have thought was best.
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