Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sunsets and NY State Fair, Aug 26 - Sept. 1

Erie Canal Bike Ride at Sunset

August 26 - Sunday
We enjoyed a wonderful worship service today.  After church, President Petraitis asked to speak to me.  He extended a call to serve in the Primary 3rd hour to help with the music.  When I asked if I would be playing the piano or leading, he said “yes”.  I spoke with the Primary president later in the day and she basically said I would help out when needed.  This next week I will come in the 3rd hour and play.  This will help me see how things work here.  It’s a little different when there are so few in the Primary. I hope I can be of some help.

In the evening we invite the new missionary couple, Dale & Julie Bond over for dinner.  We served steak, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes.  They are a delightful couple and will be moving into Barber’s apartments in a few weeks.  We invited Barbers to join us for strawberry shortcake afterwards and had another joyful conversation.

August 31st—Friday     - NY State Fair  

We went with Lindsay’s to the NY State Fair today.  It was a pleasant outing with excellent, cool, cloudy weather and lots of fun things to see and experience.  Here is a list of a few things we did
Adorable girl with her cow

* Poultry Building: roosters, geese, ducks, hens, rooster cock-a-doodle-do contest,
* Birds of Prey
* Horticulture Building: potatoes, bees, honey, maple syrup, shoe polish, landscaping, gladiolus contest
I remember my brother-in-law, George Stoddard with a similar bee hive in their home. 
* Car rolling demonstration by the State Police
* Beef Building: hay throwing contest (Ray 2nd place), no Herefords today
2nd Place, only a few inches behind the winner
* Cow birthing building: no cows quite ready to deliver
* Feeding the Giraffe
Not quite the Out of Africa experience but lots of fun with my dear fried, Karen Lindsay
* Sand Sculpture -- All things New York
Can you sense the dimensions of this mountain of sand?
Front of the sand sculpture
The details were amazing
I had to chuckle at the little footprints crossing the stream. 
I'm sure some mother was scolding a little one who crossed the barrier to get a better look.
* Lunch: Prime Rib Sandwich & Lemonade
* Johnny Cash impersonator Concert (I remembered that I never really liked his music.)  We didn't stay very long
* Water Rescue demonstration by the State Police
* Dairy Building: ice cream, butter sculpture
A life size butter sculpture that rotated. 
Kept inside a refrigerated glass case.

A perfect ending to a great day at the Fair
one giant elephant ear to end a great day 

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