Monday, January 28, 2019

Thunders of Heaven, Jan. 22 - 28

The Tongues of Seven Thunders

At the dedication of the St. George Temple on Jan.1, 1877, President Young said "What do you suppose the fathers would say if they could speak from the dead? Would they not say, 'We have lain here thousands of years, here in this prison house, 

waiting for this dispensation to come?' . . . What would they whisper in our ears? Why, if they had the power the very thunders of heaven would be in our ears, if we could but realize the importance of the work we are engaged in. All the angels in heaven are looking at this little handful of people, and stimulating them to the salvation of the human family. . . . When I think upon this subject, I want the tongues of seven thunders to wake up the people." The quote was on pages 63-64 of President Nelson's book, Accomplishing the Impossible - What God Does; What We Can Do. It was taken from Discourses of Brigham Young, (John A. Widtsoe, 1954, pages 403-404).

Tuesday, Jan. 22nd

We arrived to find Aiden Stilson (11yr old deacon from Hornell) and his mother and grandparents.  Aiden was there to do baptisms.  He is such a great kid and so full of joy and love this morning as he waited to perform this marvelous work.  I know this will set his heart and eyes toward heaven and the power of eternal things.  What a great thing for his mom to see to it.  I was so proud of her.  It is not a quick and easy thing to travel 80 miles one way to perform these sacred ordinances, but, oh, so worth every effort.

Wednesday, Jan. 23rd

Come, Follow Me Personal Study   John 1:1-18
I made a list of truths that John listed as he began his Gospel.  

  • He created all things
  • He was with God from the beginning
  • He is light
  • We all have a part of that light in us
  • He would be rejected by His own
  • He gives power to those who receive Him
  • He came to earth
  • He is life and truth
  • He is full of grace and truth
  • He is like the Father
  • We can receive of His fullness: immortality and eternal life.

The manual asked us to consider writing our witness of Jesus Christ.  Using John’s list as a prompt I will share some things that came to mind:

Immortality & Eternal Life    
As I grew up in Basin City, WA, it was not uncommon for funerals to occur.  Perhaps I was more aware of them because our family was hired to clean the church.  My mother insisted on a spit-polish should there be a funeral (or baptism or wedding) in addition to the shine we gave every week for the Sabbath.  So I attended, I would guess, more funerals than most.  The plan of salvation was taught and testified of as part of the services.  With a tender heart I absorbed and came to understand God’s plan and felt the reassurance that there was a reward in heaven; immortality and eternal life.  These were made possible only through the atonement of Jesus Christ which He completed out of love.

He is Light                                    
During my teenage years, I felt insecure, lonely, sad, and unloved.  One day,  I decided to sneak over to the chapel.  I remember sitting on a back pew and staring at the picture of the Savior that hung behind the pulpit.  After a time of tears, I came to feel His love sink into my heart.  Light replaced insecurity and I was lifted to press forward.  A very similar time happened as a young mother following a long and earnest prayer.

He created all things                    
In 2007-08 I was asked to teach seminary.  The course of study was the OT.  I came to see the great power of Jehovah studying the many events in the OT.  When Jennifer and Jessica were in their car accident, I remember praying and pleading, sharing my understanding and knowledge that God had all power.  I knew this and knew that if it were His will he could heal and repair the tragic scene that lay in front of me.  As I plead with Him, a sweet comfort filled my heart.  I had no idea what the outcome would be, but I knew He was watchful and all would be as He desired.  That peace helped me face life-flight, clean-up, etc. with strength. It helped me see the miracles that surrounded us.

He gives power to those who receive Him. 
There are many example of this.  I have felt lifted and directed through motherhood, various callings, being a wife, being a good neighbor, making decisions at work.  One of the most memorable examples of physical power happened around a Pioneer Celebration.  I was serving on the Stake Activities committee and was in charge of the Stake Celebration.  This required a great amount of energy and effort.  Saturday night following the clean up, I came home plopped down on the couch and announced to the family that I was not moving the rest of the day.  They rose to the occasion and prepared dinner, etc.  Sunday morning, I awoke achy and with a terrible headache.  I wasn’t sure what to do.  I knew I was just exhausted and not contagious in any way.  I prepared to go to church.  I gathered the children and we headed early to choir practice.  As we sang, I began to feel better.  As I played the organ for Sacrament Meeting, I noticed the headache was nearly gone.  Between SS and RS, I passed the Stake President in the hall.  Jokingly he said, “Well, if anyone had a good excuse to not be here today, it would be you.”  However, by then I had regained all my strength.  I felt vibrant and strong with no lingering soreness, headache, weariness.  The Lord had given me power.

Saturday, Jan. 26th

Friday, the temple missionaries were asked to come early for their evening shift (3pm).  A group from Southern Virginia University were arriving by bus and wished to come to the temple. The President asked us to provide an extra endowment and baptistery session. 
They were a glorious group.  Ray and I were asked to help in the baptistery then we remained there for our regular shift.  The baptistery is a wonderful uplifting place and we enjoyed our time with many wonderful patrons, some coming for the first time.  Oh what joy fills their faces and hearts as they participate in the saving work of the temple.  

We came home late Friday night to a puddle of water under and in front of our kitchen sink.  We mopped it up and discovered a leak near the faucet connection.  We turned off the water and notified Susan, the landlord.  She was quick to respond and the repairman came Saturday while we were at the temple.  So we came home to a  new faucet.  

Saturday found Ray back in the baptistery and me floating through all the ordinances.  In the afternoon I worked in the office.  It was busy without any breaks so I was grateful I had a small one in the morning.  

Sunday, Jan. 27th

We woke up to an unexpected few inches of snow.  Just enough to make the roads treacherous on our journey to Hornell. Along the fields was particularly hard as the wind blew the snow across the road creating white out conditions.  We had to detour around an accident just before Canandaigua.   
Helen called earlier to say the snow was blinding in Wayland.  But she was ready when we arrived about 10 to 10.  It was a bit slow getting to Hornell and we arrived 30 minutes late for church.  By the time we left it was sunny and the road mostly cleared so coming home was no problem.
Ray and I have been asked to teach the Temple Preparation class starting next week.  We know Helen will be there but not sure who all the other students will be.  

Monday, January 21, 2019

Elllie Lynn Pickup, Snow, Snow, and More Snow, Jan. 8 - 21

Our Front Door

Tuesday, Jan 8th

The temple was busy this morning.  Both sessions were overflowing: 53 and 43 respectively in a room set up for 42.  I was the Veil Coordinator for the earlier session and was amazed at how beautifully all the patrons were able to complete the session. 

I love this talk and the beautiful imagery of the healing waters Ezekiel saw and how they relate to temple work. Here is a quote from Elder Renlund's address. Elder Renlund, April 2018 Conference --Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing

"...An earlier prophet also foresaw blessings for both the living and the dead. A heavenly messenger showed Ezekiel a vision of a temple with water gushing out of it. Ezekiel was told: “These waters issue out … and go down into the desert, and go into the [dead] sea … , [and] the waters shall be healed. “And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: … for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.”  

Two characteristics of the water are noteworthy. 

First, though the small stream had no tributaries, it grew into a mighty river, becoming wider and deeper the farther it flowed. Something similar happens with the blessings that flow from the temple as individuals are sealed as families. Meaningful growth occurs going backward and forward through the generations as sealing ordinances weld families together.

Second, the river renewed everything that it touched. The blessings of the temple likewise have a stunning capacity to heal. Temple blessings can heal hearts and lives and families."
I love this and feel this power as we serve frequently in the temple. 

Monday, Jan. 14th 

Things I learned from the witnesses to the Savior's birth.   

The Shepherds were going about their daily work when suddenly a proclamation was made to them about the Savior, someone whom they believed in. And once they were told about where to find him they went quickly to worship him and to see for themselves. I think about how we go about our daily living as young mothers, as senior missionary couples, as providers, neighbors, etc. and those moments in our lives when the Lord's existence is proclaimed to us. It may come in a feeling, it may come through music, it may come in the smile of a newborn baby, it may come in a teaching moment with our children. But when it comes, hopefully I can stop what I'm doing. my daily work, and spend a few moments in worship. So that I might feel more deeply the joys of knowing the Savior.

The Wise Man had a different background and the things that I learned from them is that they didn't have to worry as much about their daily living. They were scholars and studied the words of the prophets. I'm not sure what their text was but it was enough that they recognized the star when it appeared in the sky. So when the sign was given that the Savior had been born they were eager to go and see. Sometimes in our lives we're farther away from the Savior than the shepherds but if we will stay focused on the light and the promise of his existence the signs that show that he really is there we will come to know and see Him.  Also, we should use our means and talents to move toward the His light.  The wise men had gold and frankincense and myrrh  and they were quick to give these to the Savior. I think about my responsibility to use the gifts and talents the Lord has given me to worship the Savior.  Do I worship Him with a talent of music? Do I worship Him with the ability to organize and plan things? Do I keep Him in my sights when I teach something?  

Simeon spent his life waiting for just that moment. But in the course of waiting he had pressed forward with his duties and his responsibilities. We have been given promises;  some of them were general to all God's children such as prophecies and things to look forward to in our times.  And we would be well to watch and wait and recognize them when they come. But there are also specific promises that we have been given. Those can be found in our patriarchal blessing and through personal revelation. As we reflect on those promises we should stay true and faithful and wait with anticipation knowing and trusting that all of God's promises are sure.

Anna is an beautiful example of the rewards that come when we endure to the end.  We do not know much about her but we know that she spent her later years in temple service and received a witness of the Savior.  What a joyous day that must have been for her. 

3 John 1:4 
Elizabeth Lynn Pickup, born Jan. 17, 2019
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”
Sweet Ellie

, Jan. 17th

Welcome to earth sweet Elizabeth Lynn Pickup.  Weighing in at 5lbs. 14oz. 17 inches long to Sean and Rachel.  She is adorable and petite.  How is is possible to love someone so far away.   

And now there are three...

Saturday, Jan. 19th.

We joyfully worked in the baptistery in the morning.  We had three or four families come.  What a great joy it is to see youth and their parents and grandparents come to do the work of the Lord.  We managed well to keep a sweet spirit about us and prayed that those serving would also feel it.  One father, in particular, was moved to tears several times as he performed the ordinance of baptism.  It was tender to see his response to the spirit. 

Sunday, Jan. 20th

Church was cancelled today due to weather. We got up and read scriptures, watched some scripture studies, Worship Service, and Music & the Spoken Work on BYU TV. Around 2pm we headed out with Bonds and Stallards to make snow angels for President Kimbler.  We ended up stopping by President Miner’s as well.  Then pulled off at the White house to make angels for the temple missionaries that live there. 

Making Angels
Standing in the snow

Snow Angel

Elder & Sister Pickup, Elder & Sister Stallard, Elder & Sister Bond
In the  evening we read and discussed the Come Follow Me curriculum and enjoyed learning and discussing the events around the Saviors birth together.

Monday, January 21st
It has been snowing constantly since Saturday afternoon and this morning was another dig out.  Some missionaries were unable to attend the fitness class we had planned at 10:30 but 7 of the 10 couples made it and we enjoyed ourselves.  Miner’s had invited us over for ‘brunch’.  It was beautiful and delicious.  Sister Miner had set up and decorated the room so beautifully making us feel welcome and like honored guests.
She served a breakfast casserole, all sorts of sweet breads, fruit, yogart with fruit and granola, yummy fresh juices.  It was amazing and wonderful.

Elder Stallard, Pickup, Leavitt, President Miner
Sister Miner, Leavit, Pickup, and Stallard
Sean video called so I could meet sweet Ellie Lynn.  She was awake for most of the call and I so loved seeing her and feeling her sweet spirit.  

take by Sister Schwendiman

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Happy New Year 2019, Coulter Lee Brooks, Jan. 1 - 7

Birthday Flowers


Come, let us anew our journey pursue,
Roll round with the year,
And never stand still till the Master appear.
His adorable will let us gladly fulfill, And our talents improve
By the patience of hope and the labor of love,
By the patience of hope and the labor of love.

Our life as a dream, our time as a stream
Glide swiftly away,
And the fugitive moment refuses to stay;
For the arrow is flown and the moments are gone. The millennial year
Presses on to our view, and eternity's here,
Presses on to our view, and eternity's here.

Oh, that each in the day of His coming may say,
"I have fought my way thru;
I have finished the work thou didst give me to do."
Oh, that each from his Lord may receive the glad word: "Well and faithfully done;
Enter into my joy and sit down on my throne;
Enter into my joy and sit down on my throne." 
-Charles Wesley, 1707-1788

I love this part of William Wordsworth’s Ode on Intimations of Immortaltiy

Coulter Lee Brooks, Born Jan 3rd
to Blaine and Brenda Brooks

Our birth is but a sleep
and a forgetting;
The Soul that rises with us,
our life’s Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting
And cometh from afar;
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home:

Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019

Rode out the Seneca Camp with the Barretts and had a delightful visit.  In the course of our travels we discovered that they had a few minor car issues.  One was the interior lights kept shorting our.  Ray found a broken socket in the back side door and fixed that.  The other was the AC/Heat fan was either high or off.  This will take a bit more work.
The get-to-gether with the site missionaries was so much fun.  Again, lots of good food.  Then we played double 18 Mexican train dominoes.  I didn't know they made double 18 dominoes. The camp was impressive and the day joyful.

Sunday, Jan 6th

We enjoyed our first Sunday on the 2 hour block.  I felt I failed in Primary and am determined to be better prepared for these sweet children.  The time is so precious, as are they, and deserve to have the meat of the gospel taught to them.  Afterward, we helped Helen get onto search to see her ancestors.  Ray is good to help her along great paths.  She seems more content and joyful.

Birthday Breakfast

Monday, Jan. 7th  #62 BD

We went to the gym this morning.  Ray made a delicious breakfast for me then we opened gifts.  I was showered with many expressions of love and kindness.

FHE was by Brother Morey.  He spoke on the Symbols of the Temple.  I found it quite informative.  Brother Morey has had serious health issues over the past year.  By miracles he is still with us and we felt blessed to hear his presentations and reap from his deep knowledge of eternal truths.  He seems determined to have accurate resources which I appreciate.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

A quiet week & New Year's Eve, Dec. 26 - 31

Wednesday, Dec. 26th - Saturday, Dec. 30th

I received three temple dresses for Christmas.  All had to go back….bummer.  Didn’t fit, sleeves unlined…  in the end we re-ordered one that is perfect. Worked our shifts through out the week.  I was assigned in the office Thursday evening.  The computers and internet were not working well and it was slow going to make sure everything was done.  I'm trying to sort it out.  I am down to only 2 sisters work left to finish so I need to get back to discovering ancestors.  I found a family on family search; Thomas Cox and Martha Jenkins that have some corrections that need to be done.  A bit complicated.  

Sunday, Dec. 30th

It was so fun talking to Helen today.  She was thrilled with her new phone and the freedom it gives her to call her friends.  So fun to see her so happy.  She had a great Christmas dinner at Helen Nookams.  We were sad that she was offered wine with her dinner as Helen N. is a member but our Helen handled it beautifully and just said no thank you even resisting after being pressured a bit.  I was very proud of her.
I taught the lesson in SS on talents.  It went very well, I thought.  I hope the class members understood the need to develop talents and use them for the good of others.
I taught music in Primary.  I used the ’Good King Wenceslas” book and read it to the children and then sang songs that went with the lessons learned.  We talked some about following the Savior’s footsteps,   a good lead in to next years focus.  Ray and I spent the evening reviewing the new curriculum and setting goals. 

Lynnette, Elder Bayles, Elder & Sister Bond

Monday, Dec. 31st  New Year’s Eve

Went to the gym, made preparations for the party tonight.
The party turned out well.  Lots of good food of course and then I had prepared the following games which all went over well.
President Miller (2nd counselor)
Trying to find your team

1. Little known facts—the high number right was only 5 as we tried to just guess.
2. Kazoo madness — people tried to find their counterpart by playing the kazoo.  I was pleased that the kazoos were decent quality
3. Celebrated London New Year at 7pm
4. Shoe game with President & Sister Kimbler and Miller
5. 2018 LDS facts game.  It was a tie
6.   We each read our favorite scripture before our closing prayer.  This was my favorite part.

It's A Wonderful Life & Christmas, Dec. 18 - 25

Tuesday, Dec. 18th

We were at the temple early this morning to help with the 6am session prayer circle.  Then worked the am and pm shifts.  We were exhausted by the time we got home. I have been reading the Book of Mormon.  Wondering about the references about the gentiles in the last day and what will happen if they reject the gospel.  I hope to get better insight and am determined to be ready no matter what. 

Wednesday, Dec. 19th - It's a Wonderful Life Museum

We welcomed the chance to sleep in a bit this morning and rolled out of bed just after 9am.  The outing today was to “It’s a Wonderful Life Museum”  We rode with Barlows and took care of some activity business.   We missed the exit.  The next exit was 16 miles further making us quite late.  At one point, Dave considered using an emergency spot to head back the other way. He pulled over and quickly noticed that a police officer pulled in right behind him.  Whoops!  The office asked if everything was OK.  Dave said yes and the office let us go.  After all we had not done anything illegal, yet!  So we continued on our way and arrived at the museum about 30 minutes behind the others.  We enjoyed the museum and reading about the creating of the movie.  It could have been more interesting with some clips of the movie or maybe even having it run in a theater room.  Something… but I appreciated learning a bit more about a time when Hollywood had some morals and standards. 

We stopped at Sauders for lunch and did a bit of shopping. 
Sauder's Grocery Store

Beautiful Amish Quilts

Friday, Dec. 21st.  Barlow's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Celebrating 50 years of marriage with our dear friends. 
Dave & Lorraine Barlow
Collective years of marriage at the Party

Barlow's 50th Wedding Anniversary Dinner

Saturday, Dec. 22

I had some thoughts as I worked in the temple today. They come from two sayings I remember of my mother’s.  The first “Clean the corners, the middle will take care of itself”.  And the other “Leave things better than you find them”.

Clean the corners
I have thought about the scripture. Isaiah 11:12 "And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth."  I smiled as I thought about how we are searching the four corners of the earth through our missionary efforts and through our family history work.  I don't always like to clean the corners, you know, unscramble the messes in family search, look for our lost brothers and sisters.  But I do know that as we focus there that the obvious work in the middle will get done as well.

Leave things better than you find the them
This can sometimes backfire if you end up undoing someone else's work.  But for the most part it is a wonderful thing.  Imagine what a different world it would be if every time you left a room you looked around to see if something needs to be cleaned or put away.  Do you think to pick up the extra paper towels that missed the garbage can in a restroom?  Do you put the books back on the shelf?  Do you hang up your coat?  Do you straighten the blinds?  Do you wash the dishes? etc.  At the temple this may include replacing the kleenex box when empty, picking up blown in leaves, straightening the coat closet, wiping behind the sink, organizing drawers & cupboards, etc.  Just little things that can make the environment more welcoming and calm.   Being careful, of course, to not get in the way of others or the spirit. 

Happy Helen & I on our way to Church

Sunday, Dec. 23rd

We gathered our three fruit baskets for Petraitis, Mary Dennard, and Helen plus Len & Helen’s Christmas presents as well as Len’s phone and headed for church in good time.  The branch was a buz with preparations and Christmas cheer as we arrived.  The youth and primary children were preparing in the primary room. I determined where to sit to conduct the primary music.  I left briefly and return to find another row of chairs in front had been set up between me and the children.  The chapel was full. No worries. We would figure it out at the appropriate time.  When they announced the program it was an easy thing to switch rows with the family in front so I could be close to the children.  I had hoped to be on the end of the row near the aisle but another sister came up and took that spot.  No worries.  I can make do.  I was thrilled that nearly all the children were there.  I came prepare with a Christmas coloring book I had made and crayons.  It was a good diversion for Paul and Axel.  Paul never joined the children singing.  Axel would go back and forth. 
The music was better than I had imagined.  The children and youth sang with their hearts and when the congregation joined on the 2nd and 3rd verses I felt the warmth and joy of Christmas music and message.  But I was unprepared for the sweet joy that filled my heart during the last hymn, “Silent Night”.  What a powerful spirit filled the air.  I could have stayed in that feeling longer. 
We were showered with Christmas cards and goodies.  Helen gave us a beautiful angel ornament with purple ribbon and jewels, can you find it on our Christmas tree?
On the way home we dropped off the Christmas fruit baskets and gifts.  Len was particularly thrilled to get his phone back.  It is a hard thing to be without a phone and they have been struggling for several months.

 Monday, Dec. 24th Christmas Eve.

 I gave away a Christmas goodies bag to the mailman who delivered our last Christmas box just in time.  It was Ray’s dad’s histories.  I began to open them but began to cry with joy and quickly wrapped it up for Ray.  He does not know that it came today.  It will be a fun Christmas surprise tomorrow.  Lucky he was off running errands and going to PT when the box came.  I also gave goodies to Richard, the gentleman who drives the yellow Fire-bird.  He was grateful.

At 3pm we headed over to Barlow’s for FHE.  We made goody containers then loaded up to deliver to several families that Dave and Lorraine had discovered. It was joyful, crisp, and dry, with a few inches of snow on the ground.  We came back to Barlow’s for hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls.
We left around 7pm so we could get home and skype in for the nativity at Kevin and Holly’s.   The video quality was very poor but we could hear well.  I enjoyed closing my eyes and imagining the chaos. Chris & Kristi, Sharee & Jeff, Jessica where all there. 

Tuesday, Dec. 25th Christmas Day.  

We slowly woke up around 8am and enjoyed the opening of Christmas gifts at a leisurely pace.  Through out the day, the children all called when they opened their gifts from us.   I sure miss everyone.

Around 2pm we went over to Titsworth’s apartment for dinner.  I took the Christmas Salad.  The food was delicious, every bite.  The decorations were lovely.  If we couldn’t be with family, this was truly the next best thing.  Elder Titsworth had several ‘exams’ for us to take.  Not sure who got the most right, the Elders or the Sisters but it didn’t really matter.  We laughed, ate well, and celebrated the day together.  I read “The Cookie Thief” and “Good King Wenceslas” after dinner and games.

We joined with the family to open secret pal gifts in the evening.  Still my favorite part of Christmas day.  The children gave us this lovely statue.  And yes, I cried. 

 May the celebration of Christmas cause us 
to rejoice like the angels, 
hear like the shepherds, 
and follow like the wise men!
- from one of many uplifting Christmas cards we received this year. 
panoramic view of Christmas Party Guests

Beautiful gift from our children.