Thursday, January 3, 2019

A quiet week & New Year's Eve, Dec. 26 - 31

Wednesday, Dec. 26th - Saturday, Dec. 30th

I received three temple dresses for Christmas.  All had to go back….bummer.  Didn’t fit, sleeves unlined…  in the end we re-ordered one that is perfect. Worked our shifts through out the week.  I was assigned in the office Thursday evening.  The computers and internet were not working well and it was slow going to make sure everything was done.  I'm trying to sort it out.  I am down to only 2 sisters work left to finish so I need to get back to discovering ancestors.  I found a family on family search; Thomas Cox and Martha Jenkins that have some corrections that need to be done.  A bit complicated.  

Sunday, Dec. 30th

It was so fun talking to Helen today.  She was thrilled with her new phone and the freedom it gives her to call her friends.  So fun to see her so happy.  She had a great Christmas dinner at Helen Nookams.  We were sad that she was offered wine with her dinner as Helen N. is a member but our Helen handled it beautifully and just said no thank you even resisting after being pressured a bit.  I was very proud of her.
I taught the lesson in SS on talents.  It went very well, I thought.  I hope the class members understood the need to develop talents and use them for the good of others.
I taught music in Primary.  I used the ’Good King Wenceslas” book and read it to the children and then sang songs that went with the lessons learned.  We talked some about following the Savior’s footsteps,   a good lead in to next years focus.  Ray and I spent the evening reviewing the new curriculum and setting goals. 

Lynnette, Elder Bayles, Elder & Sister Bond

Monday, Dec. 31st  New Year’s Eve

Went to the gym, made preparations for the party tonight.
The party turned out well.  Lots of good food of course and then I had prepared the following games which all went over well.
President Miller (2nd counselor)
Trying to find your team

1. Little known facts—the high number right was only 5 as we tried to just guess.
2. Kazoo madness — people tried to find their counterpart by playing the kazoo.  I was pleased that the kazoos were decent quality
3. Celebrated London New Year at 7pm
4. Shoe game with President & Sister Kimbler and Miller
5. 2018 LDS facts game.  It was a tie
6.   We each read our favorite scripture before our closing prayer.  This was my favorite part.

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